About Me

My photo
NC girl who loves Jesus, Robbie, William, family, friends, Walt Disney World, all things pink, and monogrammed!

Sara & Robbie

Sara & Robbie
Met in a small town. Moved to a big city. Married 6 years. Owe it all to God's grace.

William Carter

William Carter
Born on 9/22/11. Loves his Mama fiercely, babies, Disney, playing his heart out, his friends and family.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Back to Work!

December 19th was my first day back to work! William was 12 and a half weeks old. I felt very lucky that I was able to stay home with him that long, as I know many people who can't/don't. I wish I could be home with him full time, but it just is not a practical thing right now with so many things going on and goals that we have for our family. Luckily, my mom retired last year from 33 years of teaching, and she is going to be watching William for us on the days that Robbie works. So far, it is working out great! She loves being with him, and I love that he is able to stay in his own house with his own stuff and not have to travel each morning to a daycare. So thankful!!

I was actually fearing my first day back, and was dreading it. It really hasn't been too bad at all. I enjoy being at work with all my work friends. We all have a good time together. So it really isn't too bad yet. I come home for lunch and have revised my schedule so that I get off at 4:30 and we still have some significant time together at night!

My first day back, I think Robbie thought I was going to be so depressed. So he was so sweet and cheered me up! Around 2:00, a flower delivery guy knocked on our office door with a delivery for me!!! I was shocked, because Robbie and I never do flowers! The card was so sweet! It read "Have a great 1st day back to work. Love, Robbie & William" So thoughtful!!! I have been so, so blessed with such a sweet, caring hubby and pray that he will show William how to be so sweet for his future wife.

December Fun!!

With my first day at work quickly approaching, William and I decided we would really have fun that last week of me being home with him! We were out almost every day doing some fun activity!!

We went to lunch with Courtney, Davis, Ashley, and Molly one day! It was so fun to have all of our babies together. Davis and Molly slept the entire time, but William had to eat as soon as we sat down and then just stared around the rest of the time.

Molly, William, Courtney and Davis

We also had lunch with Mary Adelaide and Julie Bell one day in Cameron Village!

We did lots of chilling and hanging out at home as well, snuggling, and getting fun packages in the mail (including his sweet stocking!)

Laid back...

Snuggling with mama!

Cutest stocking ever!

We finally got to meet Noemie one day!!! She is so sweet, smiling constantly! It was so good to see her! And her sweet mama, Sara before they leave for CA for a few months! There will hopefully be many play dates when she gets back!

Sara, Noemie, Sara, and William

That weekend (Dec. 16-18), we had a full schedule too! Friday night, we went to dinner with Erica and her entire family who were up here for Stewart's graduation from NCSU. We went to Outback and had a fabulous time! It was so good to see all of them. Robbie was able to go with us, so that was fun and much welcomed help :) Saturday morning, we got up early and went to Breakfast with Santa in our neighborhood clubhouse. They had coloring and cookie decorating activities, but William was just a little small for that!! So we grabbed a quick picture with Santa, and headed out. William was fast asleep, by the way haha. After that, we went to lunch and a couple quick stores with Mama...then William and I headed to Julie Bell's first birthday party!!! It was Hungry Caterpillar themed...which may be a certain little boy's theme all too soon! Mary Adelaide had such good food and cute decorations!! She even made a hungry caterpillar out of huge ornaments! It was so much fun getting to meet her family and see sweet Julie Bell again!

Dinner at Outback with Erica!

Santa makes me sleepy

Happy Birthday, Julie Bell!
Squeezing on my sweet boy the night before my first day!
William and I had a VERY fun, VERY full 12 weeks off together. I am so thankful for that time we had together and look forward to all the fun we will still have!!

Here Comes Santa Claus...

On my birthday, we took William to Southpoint Mall to see Santa! It was so nice because Robbie and Hannah had off so we could all go together. The other plus was that there was no line at all! When we first got there, William was dead asleep in his carseat and we tried for a few minutes unsuccessfully to get him to wake up (are we crazy?!) Finally, I decided to go change his diaper, and he woke right up! We got a couple quick pictures, and then he ate his lunch and was back to sleep again! Something about the carseat and stroller just do it to him! I really want going to see Santa to be a tradition for us. Even for the years where he may be screaming his head off. I know he isn't the real reason for the season, but I still want the memories of going. This year, of course, he didn't care who was holding him...so this was an easy one!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

December 5th was my birthday! The big 27!! I really didnt want to make a big deal about it, just go to dinner with some friends. So we planned to meet Ashley and Willie at Texas Roadhouse that night.

The funny thing was, Tanya showed up to ride with us and I thought that was kind of strange but I had wanted her to go anyway so I figured mama or Robbie had gotten up with her.

We get to ashley's and walk in and there are decorations and appetizers laid out and my favorite - edible art cake!! So my mom and Hannah had actually planned a surprise party for me!! We ended up staying there and eating salads, pizza and wings. Lara lee came also! It was a fun night spent with great friends and our babies!!

O Christmas Tree...

After Thanksgiving, we went out and picked out our tree. We decided to go with a real one this year. I was so excited about it! I bought a Groupon over Thanksgiving for a place that sold trees near us. They also had a package where they will deliver it, pick it back up after Christmas, and rent the tree stand with it (since we didn't have one, this was great).

Obviously, this year Robbie and I did the picking out, but we can't wait until William is able to help us!! He was pretty bored by the whole thing, actually. Slept in his stroller the entire time!

Asleep, but still festive!

Our choice!

Love it!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Best chili recipe!

My cousin Amy gave me a cookbook full of her recipes a while ago and we use her chili recipe constantly!! We love it!! So I thought I'd share.

We usually double this at least if it's going to be more than just us!

1 15 oz can kidney beans
1 15 oz can diced tomatoes (ones flavored with garlic/onion)
2 tsp chili powder
3/4 ground beef
1/4 cup ketchup
1/2 cup salsa
1/8 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp cumin
1 tsp hot sauce


Wednesday, December 7, 2011


We had such a great thanksgiving this year! The only downside was Robbie literally only had that day off, so he missed out on a lot. :( But thankfully, my family was a huge help with William and we had a great time.

Mama, hannah, William and I drove down to the beach on Wednesday. All of the rest of the family was already there. William did great on his first road trip and slept most of it!

Thanksgiving morning, Robbie drove down and met us at the Lone Cedar for their delicious buffet! It was wonderful, as usual. This was our 3rd year going there and it never disappoints. This year, robbie's parents joined us so that was especially nice because we weren't spending all of our time on the roads and everyone was able to be together!!

That afternoon, cully and April came down to the beach to meet William at our cottage! So good to see them!

We had a fun week and drove back on Saturday afternoon to do dinner with daddy at Angus Barn!

Monday, December 5, 2011

2 Months Old!!

William, on November 22, you were two months old!!! I cannot believe how fast the time goes!! I alternate between wanting you to hurry and grow just a little bit so we can do fun things together and slowing you down so I can just squeeze on you all day! :)

You smiled for the first time on November 7, at 6 weeks old!! Your smile is SO sweet. You smiled for me that morning, and your Nana didn't believe me that you smiled. So, while in Nordstrom's that afternoon, you let a big smile loose for her! She started screaming and loved it!!! You didn't know what all the fuss was about!

You are still eating every 4 hours...4-5 ounces at a time. You wear a size 1 diaper. Your clothes are 3 months, already! And some of those are starting to look tight.

You have been more fussy this month, which the books say is very common. You are trying to let us know what is bothering you!! You are terrible at fighting sleep. That is what is "wrong", most of the time! You are just so exhausted and won't give in. You get that from your mama. I have always been afraid I'll miss something.

We are having so much fun with you! You are becoming more alert to us and things around you. You love your stroller and being out shopping. The car seat is like a drug! You sleep so soundly in it, we have thought about bringing it upstairs for the night! You are not sleeping through the night yet...we are waiting....

You still are hating tummy time, but can hold your head up pretty well!

We have so much to look forward to with you!!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Good Golly, Miss Molly!!

Our bff's Ashley and Willie have had an eventful November! On Friday, the 11th, Robbie and I were in target spending too much money as usual...when Ashley texted me that it was baby time and they were on their way to the hospital!!! I started screaming in target, I was so excited!

Finally, after a pretty long labor, I got a text from willie at 11:30 pm on Saturday night saying she was having a c-section! The next time I checked my phone, I had a couple pictures of this sweet girl who we joke will be william's bride!! She was born at 12:16 am on Sunday, November 13th and we all love her!!!

I could hardly wait to get to the hospital and see her!

Congrats to our sweet friends and we look forward to all the memories we will make together!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Something different

This is my first post from the blogger app on my phone!! I didn't even realize there was such a thing. Hopefully this will allow me to update more frequently and timely, especially since most of my pictures are on my phone these days!

I'll leave you with a picture of my sweet boy from tonight at dinner!

William's Birth Announcement

Victorian Frame Blue Birth Announcement
Find hundreds of cute baby birth announcements at Shutterfly.com.
View the entire collection of cards.

William's First Halloween

William's Nana (my mom) ordered him this shirt online to wear to the pumpkin patch this year!!

William's jack o lantern onesie!

Our neighbors were too sweet to give William this "My 1st Halloween" onesie!!

On October 30th, we went to the farmer's market for William to pick out a pumpkin! We wanted to go to a pumpkin patch, but i was getting cold out and we didn't see the point in spending the money on the admission when William couldn't do any of the fun stuff yet!

He slept through the fun, of course!

On Halloween, I took my little pumpkin to my work for trick or treating. We knew we weren't going to take him out that night, so we wanted him to get some use out of his outfit! They had a little party with candy and cupcakes, and everyone enjoyed seeing him.