About Me

My photo
NC girl who loves Jesus, Robbie, William, family, friends, Walt Disney World, all things pink, and monogrammed!

Sara & Robbie

Sara & Robbie
Met in a small town. Moved to a big city. Married 6 years. Owe it all to God's grace.

William Carter

William Carter
Born on 9/22/11. Loves his Mama fiercely, babies, Disney, playing his heart out, his friends and family.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What You Missed - March and April!

Just a few random pictures from March and April! Better late than never, right?

Glow sticks in the tub!

Sitting in the car watching a movie while Mamas shop!

We had Scott over to play!

Papa came to visit!

We drew outside while waiting for Grandma and Grandpa!

We dressed up to say goodbye to a very special person. :(

Hunter came to visit!

We celebrated BeBe's 90th birthday!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pack A Thon!!

Our church had a Pack A Thon for families around the world. It was so neat! A bunch of us from our Life class got together and did it and we had a blast. The kids were with a babysitter in the church, so it was perfect. We bagged beans, sprinkled protein powder, weighed, and bagged literally TONS of food! It was so fun and felt so great to help others!!


First pair of little Rainbows!