Y'all! These past couple of months have been INSANE! I am so sorry {to the three of you who read this} for my lack of posting. There may be a ton of old posts coming, so bare with me! I hate not having everything documented.
Anyway, we have been busy over the past couple months. We decided on a whim to list our townhouse for sale, and it was under contract in two days! Thank goodness too, because Riley was with Robbie's parents, so it was easier to keep clean ha! Once we were under contract, we started our nightly house search. We had a very specific area in mind, and were willing to live in an apartment for a while to get "THE" house. Robbie started bringing home box after box, and this was our view for a while:

Everything seemed to be going right, and we were so excited! Robbie and I visited a house in our dream neighborhood, and were about to put an offer in, when my boss and I got called into a meeting. Our entire department was being laid off. Woof. A kick in the stomach. We finally had all of our loan paperwork together, and everything was smooth. Not anymore. I went home that day, panicked, because that is just what I do, then got to work the next morning. Thanks to a TON of help from a childhood friend, I got my entire resume (that hadn't been touched in almost five years) revamped, and applied for about 100 jobs. After many prayers, I got a job offer within a week of being told my job was ending! What a relief!!! So nice that my last 3 weeks at my job were not as stressful.
Soon after that, I visited a house in one of our top three neighborhoods. I loved it, knew Robbie would, and we put in an offer that night; sight unseen for him. He did see it the next morning, and agreed with my decision, so no worries. ;) Once we were under contract on that house, the fun started! Many trips to Lowe's, looking at lawn mowers, rakes, etc.
William already loves the playground! |
Back at our current house, we were trying to get motivated to pack. I am so thankful that honestly, Robbie packed the entire house. I packed William's room, that is it. He was SO helpful. I started my new job at the beginning of June, and love it! I would get home and be dead tired from a day full of title insurance information, and Robbie would have packed up another room in the house. SO appreciative.
William wanted to help like daddy ;) |
We were scheduled to close on Friday, June 13th. Yep, Friday the 13th. We aren't hugely superstitious people, so we figured it was fine. We picked up our U-Haul Wednesday night, and movers showed up Thursday morning to pack it all up! We are so thankful that the Thomsen's didn't mind our huge U-Haul taking up space on their land for forever. I drove that big sucker (26') all the way across town to be stored there. (Robbie had to go to work of course) We left the townhouse for the last time (bittersweet!)

Closing was a disaster. Our buyer's lender was slack on sending over his loan package, and then our lender lost power and couldn't wire over our money. Despite sitting in the attorney's office for 3 hours, just hoping and praying it would work out, it didn't. We were super bummed, and doubly so since we have friends and family willing to help us unload our truck, and the contractor coming to take the popcorn off of our ceilings! We were supposed to stay at Mama's house for 2 nights, and it has turned into almost 2 weeks! We are still there, while Eric finishes up our ceilings.
Our sleeping situation! |
William is okay anywhere, as long as he has his RiRi! |
Robbie's parents still came up the weekend we were supposed to close, and we had a great time. Maybe we weren't meant to close that day. Maybe we just all needed the rest and relaxation time. William was so excited to swim in the pool at their hotel. He is a daredevil! He would try to trick Robbie so that he could jump in by himself and go under. Shew. Gives me a heart attack (thank you, secondary drowning articles on Facebook).
This past Monday, we finally closed on our new house!!! What a great feeling. The U-Haul was unloaded Tuesday morning, and as soon as our ceilings are finished, we cannot wait to start making memories here!! William gets SO excited to show someone his new room, so come visit us! :)
Happy to be in his new house! |
I wish I had before pics of the ceilings. They were so clumpy, unlike any popcorn I've ever seen!! And yellowish, especially next to the fresh new paint on the walls and molding. We can't wait to see the final product with updated light fixtures!!
Ceiling progress - right after scraping |
Before painting...looks SO much better already! |