Oh, my sweet William, you are 7 months old!!! We can't believe it! ;) These past 7 months have just flown by and you are just the sweetest baby. We are told constantly how lucky we are and how sweet and content you are.
We don't have your official stats yet, since you just went to the doctor last month and don't go again for a well visit until June. But you are feeling heavier for sure!! :)
You are in a range of sizes. You can still fit 6 month pj's, but some of them are getting tight. Some 9 and 12 month outfits fit, it just depends on the brand. You are still in size 3 diapers.
You've done a lot of hanging out with friends this month. Shelley, Brandon, and Conner came up to visit and you and Conner interacted a lot. You also went to Conner's birthday party in Elizabeth City. We went to Willie's birthday party, where you saw Molly, Cooper, and Wyatt. You love to go on walks and visit our neighbor, Ella. Auntie Erica also came up to visit this month and you had a good time with her too!
You are officially bathing in the big tub! You LOVE it. You are constantly reaching for toys and splashing. I am afraid you would like to go face down in the water. We started out in the bumbo since you slip around so much, but I just bought a spongy turtle thing that sits you in there without slipping.
You still go to many restaurants. Your new habit is to GRUNT the entire time you eat. It's a little embarrassing haha. It is LOUD!
You are a complete master at sitting up. You don't need your hands for support anymore, and you get really excited when you lift your hands off the ground and balance! You love to reach for things that are out of your reach. Oh boy, you may be mobile soon!!!
You tried a lemon for the first time! It was hilarious. I thought for SURE you would hate it, but you loved it! You kept reaching for the bowl that I put it in, and when we gave it to you, you just loved it. Not even a funny face!!
You are loving your Jumperoo. It is too fun. You really get going in it and just smile and laugh!
You had your first "cold" this month. At least we thought it was a cold. You started having a runny nose and runny eyes and then the next day...we discovered a TOOTH (4/6)!!!! THEN, on 4/10, we noticed a 2nd tooth was coming in!! Poor baby! You really weren't very fussy at all. There were a couple of nights where you woke up once in the middle of the night, and as soon as we gave you your paci, you were good!
You celebrated your first Easter this month, too! You got an Easter basket from the bunny, Papa, Nana, Grandma and Grandpa, and Stephanie!! Sweet little boy!
You are still our great little sleeper! I don't know how long it will last, but it is wonderful while it does. You go down typically by 8:30-9:00 and sleep until 8-9. It is nice! You pretty much take a morning nap and an afternoon nap, unless we are out. They last about 2 hours each.
We started brushing your teeth this month. It is too funny! You just open your mouth right up for the toothbrush and you get really still and make a funny face. I think it tickles!!
You slept in your pack n play this month for the first time! It was a little bit of an adventure because you woke up in the middle of the night with hiccups for an HOUR!! If they hadn't started, you probably would have been fine.
You finally sat in the shopping cart at the grocery store for the first time (4/16)! Before, we were both having to go to the store and one of us push you in the stroller and the other push the cart! Now, it is easy peasy! You love sitting up and looking all around at all the people.
You have started trying to pull up on your bumper when you wake up in the morning. I will see you on the monitor pulling up and biting the bumper. When I go in to get you, you just flop back and laugh.
You have such a little personality! You will give many smiles, even to strangers! You are especially happy in the mornings or after a nap. We love to go in there and get you and you just lie there and smile up at us and giggle. So sweet!
You have just started getting up on your little knees and rocking back and forth. Uh oh!!! I have a feeling it won't be long until you are scooting around. The thought of it is a little scary!
You still love big sister Riley. When you see her, you just light up! She is so gentle with you too, thank goodness. She knows your toys from hers and doesn't mess with yours.
Your first word was definitely "mama". You will even repeat it after we say it. Sometimes, you don't repeat it and just smile really big when I say it. It's like you know it would just make me so happy, and you think that's funny. You say it a lot, probably without meaning, but the other night, you looked AT ME and said it, and I died. OMG!
You are still on pretty much the same schedule! You eat baby food (usually a fruit) when you first wake up around 8, have a bottle a few minutes after that, then playtime and a nap for an hour or two. You eat again around 12:30 (bottle), and then play and nap again. You eat another bottle at 4:30. We are usually eating by 6:30-7, which is when you have your cereal and more food. You get your final bottle right before bed. It really works for us, because it is enough of a schedule that we all know what to expect, but not so regimented that you have a meltdown if you're not in bed by a certain time.

You officially love to eat! Haha. You have tried SO many different foods. Broccoli, pears, peaches, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, watermelon, oatmeal, granola, bananas, apples, strawberries, oranges, yogurt, puffs corn mac & cheese, etc. You have tried a piece of a roll, mashed potato, baked potato, and a little ice cream. You can't quite figure out how to chew though when we give you table food. It just kind of rolls back out. We'll get there!
William, when I think about being your Mama, the one word that comes to mind is "lucky". I am so lucky that I was chosen. Your Daddy and I are just wild about you and I have a feeling that you will never want for one single thing. You are a perfect boy to us. I love to go into your room before we go to bed and just stare at you. It takes everything in me to not pick you up and just squeeze you! You have made our lives so complete and we never could have imagined how happy you would make us!!!