We had a great Easter weekend!! As always, too short. Robbie actually had off Sunday, which really shocked us! That is the first Easter Sunday he has had off in 6 years of working there.
Thursday afternoon, Hannah came over and played with William. He had a great time with her!! He is such a big boy now, reaching for everything and sitting up so well! So much fun. William started getting a few cold symptoms...a runny nose (his first!), a very slight temperature, and a little cough.
Friday, I worked from home. While William had his breakfast, he decided that he could feed himself for a change, haha!! Shortly after that, we realized that he was cutting his first tooth!!!! That probably explains his cold symptoms! I know there is a lot of controversy surrounding what comes first: the "cold" or the tooth? But it just is a little too coincidental in our case, since William has never been sick before, for it not to be caused by his teeth. He wanted to be held a lot since it was bothering him. Sweet boy! We went to dinner that night and it's obvious in the picture below that he wasn't feeling 100%, but was still his happy self!
I've got this, Mama |
Napping |
Dressed in cousin Jeremiah's outfit! |
Saturday, my dad came to visit us!! Sadly, I forgot to take any pictures, except for the cute Easter basket he brought William. He had fun playing with his Melissa & Doug stacker! We went to lunch at Applebee's since Hannah had to work, and then came back to my house and all 3 of us passed out!
Easter Basket from Papa |
Easter morning, William started the day by playing! We talked and talked about going to church. It was really playing heavily on us this year, I guess more so because Robbie actually had off. We finally decided not to go since I was still so stuffy/sore throat, and William was a little too. It's so hard to figure out what to do with him! He is at the point where, if we take him into church, he will probably be loud. But we don't know anyone in the nurseries or anything about that, so that is sticky as well! We need to really figure it out though, because we want to be involved in a church so bad...especially when Robbie is off. We ended up watching a beautiful service on TV from Hayes Barton Baptist.
This toy tastes good! |
Look at my bed-hair! |
After he ate his breakfast, we finally made it down to see what the Easter Bunny had brought William! He hooked him up with his first stuffed bunny, some beach towels, Hungry Caterpillar playset, sippy cups, bib, and TONS of books! We must have read about 10 books to him that morning while he played.
Oooooh, these look nice... |
What's this? |
Hey Mama! |
Love this bunny! |
Thanks, Bunny, for the tasty book! |
We were going to try The Pit for lunch, but it was so packed! So we ventured over to Big Ed's so that a trip all the way downtown was not wasted. I hadn't been to Big Ed's since college! Kate and I used to go every weekend that we were in Raleigh. In fact, we may have skipped class a few times to go ;) Their lunch was delicious! I had the spicy BBQ chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes. William tried a little applesauce that the sweet waitress brought out to him. Since it was such a nice day, we decided to go over to Pullen Park. William couldn't enjoy any of the rides or play equipment, but he had a good time strolling around and playing on the ground with his toys. After that, we headed back to Nana's, where William got his third basket! Nana and Hannah got him another sweet bunny, book, shorts, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, and new spoons!!
Lunch at Big Ed's |
William and Daddy |
<3 |
William and Nana |
William with Stephanie and her dad |
My boys! |
My hands taste so good! |
My toys are much more fun outside! |
Yum! |
So sweet! |
Mama and I people watching |
Enjoying our Locopops! |
Getting sleepy... |
Easter Basket from Nana and Hannah!! |
We had Outback for dinner that night and came home for a restful Sunday evening before the week started back up!
Looks like fun! I love to see what other people put in their baby's Easter baskets.