Yesterday, we had our follow-up appointment with an orthopaedist for William's arm. They took more X-rays, and this experience was much more positive than the ones taken at the Urgent Care. There was no crying, yay! William was just excited that he got two stickers for being such a good patient! The doctor came in and said that the fracture is healing nicely, and there is no need for William to wear his sling anymore (YAY!!!). He really doesn't have to restrict his activity either. We are sooo glad to hear this! I figured it was getting better, since we haven't had to give him Motrin in a week, and he had been using his arm as if nothing happened - which was a BIG change from when it first happened.
We have to have another follow-up in 5 weeks, just to make sure that it has completely healed, but we should be good to go! The doctor wasn't concerned at all. We are just so so thankful for such good news! He handled the entire situation like a true champ! Praise God for healing!
Lunch at Village Deli before our appt ;) |
Waiting to be called back! |
So high up! |
Hooray! Praise the Lord for swift healing! So glad to hear he's doing better.