We had an eventful weekend! Saturday, Mama and I did some back to school shoe shopping for William, and rode around while he napped in the car. When he woke up, we were still waiting for Robbie to get off work, so we decided to take W to the park at Brier Creek to get some wiggles out. There were some older children there, and of course, he wanted to keep right up with them. He did fine for 30 or 40 minutes; just climbing the steps, sliding down, getting in the train. Then he went to another side of the play set and was trying to climb DOWN a ladder, facing OUT. Before I could even holler to him, he fell and was on the ground, crying. I went and grabbed him up, and he usually stops by then. But he kept right on sobbing, so we left the park and got in the car, with the air blasting on us. He kept saying, "Ow, Ow" and holding his left arm. I have zero experience with getting hurt (I am such a baby and try to be annoyingly careful)...so I wasn't sure if we should take him to a doctor or not. But, since it was almost 7 on a Saturday night, I decided we'd jet over to urgent care before they closed, and avoid an ER trip later in the night.
Choo choo! |
Sliiiiiide! |
Luckily, the urgent care is right across from the park, and there wasn't a wait. William was taken right back, and our friend Brent was the nurse! So that was awesome, because he was super nice to us. He even gave William a Buzz and Jessie sticker, so he was pretty much a favorite in our house! ;) Poor William was just miserable. He has had a cold for a couple days, so between a runny nose, still being hot from the park, and his sore arm, he was just done. The doctor came in, and couldn't determine if it was broken or just dislocated, and their X-ray machine was down. So, he sent us over to the other urgent care. We waited forever there, and the tech finally came in and said that there was a miscommunication, and she was getting the X-ray set up now. William DID NOT like the X-ray at all. We had to hold him down for her to even get a decent shot. She said if she couldn't get them, our only other option was the ER...and we were NOT going there!! She sent them back to the dr at Brier Creek, since their UC was PACKED. There were like seven people ahead of us! And it was already 8:30. Finally, after some begging from me, the nurses gave him some Motrin. The funniest thing - when we took the meds, he kept putting the syringe back in his mouth saying, more, more! He was so hungry!!! I hadn't even thought about him being hungry, but it WAS late! The nurses all joked, saying they wished all patients took their medicine so well. We hooked him up with some water, Toy Story fruit snacks, mini muffins, and one sweet nurse heard him asking for cheese and brought him a cheese stick from his own lunch!! The doctor from the first urgent care actually drove to this one, to evaluate W one last time before sending him home. The radiologist at Duke said the X-ray didn't show a break, and he didn't act like it was dislocated since he was moving it so much more, so we were sent home, finally, at 9pm, with instructions to come back tomorrow if he was still not using it. As we walked out, another sweet nurse gave W a rubber fish toy and a helicopter! He LOVED them!!! Mama and Stephanie were out in the waiting room all that time, and they were so glad when we finally came out! We were all starving, so we ran to the Mexican place by our house and grabbed something. William was starving, bless his heart!!! Thankfully, he went on to sleep after a bath and slept all night! Shew!
Poor baby! :( |
Feeling better! |
Late dinner with his new friends! |
Sunday morning, Robbie and I went to Sunday school, and left William at home with Mama. He was acting fine, but just in case! Well , while in class, the doctor from UC called, just to check on him. Then, I noticed he was calling a second time! I stepped out of class to call him back. A different radiologist at Duke saw his X-ray, and he said that William has a buckle fracture on his left arm, up by his shoulder, on the outside of his upper bone (I think the humerus??). Since his bones are so soft because of his age, his bone didn't break, just kind of buckled. It typically heals on its own, but they wanted him to be fitted for a sling and wear that as much as possible. After lunch, we ran back over to Urgent Care, and he quickly got fitted. The doctor put in a call to an orthopedist, so we will have to see him for a follow up. Hopefully everything is healing fine, and he will be good to go in a couple weeks!!!
Nervous about this room... |
Big boy! |
All done! |
He has done pretty well with the sling. I think they obviously know a 2 year old will not be keeping that thing on 100% of the time, but he does pretty good I think! He wore it to preschool today, and actually kept it on. I think sometimes it frustrates him, because I will hear him saying, "Off, off!" Kind of hard to explain to a 2 year old, but we try! "William, we need to keep the sling on to make your arm strong again." If you ask him what happened to his arm, he will say, "Sliiiide". Bless his heart. We are just so so thankful that it isn't any worse. So many children and parents are coping with sooo much worse, and would give ANYthing to have a broken arm. So, we are trying to stay positive. For some reason, I was pretty calm throughout it all. I knew he was ok, and would be ok, so I wasn't too stressed. Little boys (and some little girls haha) are going to take falls and jumps, and I just have to be prepared! We are so thankful that God was watching that sweet boy, because he fell from a pretty high spot, and protected him from having any sort of brain/neck injury. Two days later, we are still praising The Lord for so many blessings: the wonderful nurses,
doctors, medical advancements to make it all possible, and such a minor
injury as a broken arm when so many parents and children are fighting
such huge obstacles. God is good!!!
So glad that he's okay. I meant to ask about how he was doing in Lifeclass, but then I got sidetracked. (Happens a lot when I'm in a room with lots of people...LOL)
ReplyDeleteIt is no fun at all when our little ones get hurt.