Wednesday before last, Mama went and picked up Hunter so he could visit with us for a while. We love when he comes to visit!! I took off work Thursday so we could all spend some time together. Thursday night, we went to Outback for dinner. Yum!! William had a grilled cheese and he got tired of eating the bites I cut up and just grabbed the whole sandwich. Such a big boy!! After Outback, Hannah surprised us and said she wanted to go to Wal mart and get William the Stride to Ride Dinosaur that we had been eyeing. We were so excited and there was only one left!! William went to bed when we got home and I got to work putting it together (with some help from Robbie ;))
Sweet boy! |
Blueberry waffles, yum!! |
Being grown with the whole sandwich! |
Friday, William played with his new dino and we all ran to lunch and the grocery store for a few things. We decided to cook out that night at our house. We had hamburgers, hot dogs, corn and baked beans. Thanks to Robbie for his grill skills!! ;)
Loving the new toy! |
Happy to see me return to the car after grocery shopping |
Saturday morning, Erica and her mom came up!! Erica found out on Thursday that she was having a BOY so we had lots of shopping to do!!! We went to California Pizza Kitchen for lunch and then hit Pottery Barn Kids, Babies R Us and SmartMomma! SO much fun. William was a little trooper!! She got a LOT of cute stuff. At Babies R Us, I went ahead and got one of his birthday presents - a Little Tikes picnic table! I had Toys R Us gift cards and a coupon, so I think I ended up paying $10 for a $50 table. That's about the extent of my "couponing". That night, we all went to dinner with her brother and his girlfriend at Fujisan (our fave). It was DELICIOUS. William was not in an eating mood that night. He had maybe half of a baby food and a piece of chicken and zucchini from the restaurant. Thankfully, he still slept all night.

Sunday was the day we took Hunter back to Linda and Ron so he could go home. :( Robbie was home with us in the morning and then had to close. William and I rode with Mama and Hunter to Greensboro to meet Linda and Ron. We ate dinner at Cracker Barrel and then turned around. It was so much having Hunter here!! William just loved him. He kept staring and him and smiling. So sweet. I definitely don't mind William looking up to Hunter, he is so great!!!
It always surprised me when Evie slept through the night even when she did not eat. That just shows us that nightwaking is NOT always due to hunger. I'm always so quick to feed my babies in the night which then makes it a habit. Dinosaur looks like lots of fun.