About Me

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NC girl who loves Jesus, Robbie, William, family, friends, Walt Disney World, all things pink, and monogrammed!

Sara & Robbie

Sara & Robbie
Met in a small town. Moved to a big city. Married 6 years. Owe it all to God's grace.

William Carter

William Carter
Born on 9/22/11. Loves his Mama fiercely, babies, Disney, playing his heart out, his friends and family.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

10 Months Old!!!


Oh, my sweet William, I know I say it every month, but where does the time go?! I cannot believe you are already 10 months old! So close to a year. It is unbelievable. You are just the sweetest baby. You love to be loved on!!

This was the hardest month for your monthly pictures. You did NOT want to sit still. Every time we would sit you in your chair, you were immediately climbing over the side or wriggling out of it. So, it definitely took some work. You are busy!!

We are not sure what you weigh. I am guessing around 20 lbs. You are still our long and lean little guy. 

You started pointing this month too. You don't do it often, but once in a while we will see you pointing at something. Once you realize that you are doing it, you stare at your finger that is pointing until you are about cross eyed. It is so funny!!

We celebrated July 4th this month. You were too cute in your smocked flag outfit. We met Daddy at Nana's and watched the fireworks. We were rebels and let you stay up a little later than your bedtime, but it worked out fine. You continue to be our flexible baby, shew! I was afraid you would be scared of the fireworks, but you just sat in your stroller and stared. You even laughed a few times at them, which was funny!!

You are obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!! When you see Mickey come on the screen, you just smile so big. Nana got you your first Mickey Mouse stuffed animal, and you light up whenever you see him too!  We don't let you watch much, but sometimes I can't help it when you are being snuggly, to just start it so that you will snuggle even longer! ;)

You are so ticklish. Under your chin, under your arms, on your feet, etc! Your laugh is just so sweet. It is one of my very favorite things!!

You are eating mainly table food! You had your first kid's meal this month, at Chick Fil A. You loved the grilled nuggets, and their applesauce. You have tried so many different things. Some of your favorites are mac and cheese, beans, green beans, peaches, pears, cheese, quesadillas, waffles, pancakes, yogurt. The list goes on and on. You pretty much try what we have. We order off the kids menu for you a lot too.

You wake up around 7:30-8. You come downstairs and have yogurt and pancakes or strawberry, blueberry waffles, toast, etc. You LOVE breakfast. It is your favorite meal. You have your bottle around 915 and then play downstairs for a little while before going down for your nap. You usually sleep about two hours.

Sometimes we have to wake you up so that you can eat your lunch!! You love to sleep, thank goodness! Lunch is the hardest meal. You don't seem to really LOVE anything we give you. You usually have some turkey and a fruit and some cheese, or a quesadilla, or a grilled cheese, etc. Sometimes you will stay have a baby food at lunch just to get some veggies or fruit in. You have another bottle around 1-1:30 and then go back down for a nap shortly after that. Depending on when you went to sleep, you sleep about 2 hours and it's usually time for your last bottle. You are not very interested in bottles anymore. I am hoping that means that the transition from formula to milk will be easy. You usually only drink about 2-3 oz at a time.

You have your last bottle around 5 and then play. We have dinner usually by 6:30. You typically just eat when we eat. If we are in a restaurant, you will usually get a grilled cheese. You have a bath (which you love to crawl and pull up in) around 7:30 or 8, and then we read to you and you are in your crib by 8:30. You are flexible enough that if we are late getting home at night, you don't freak out.

You have had your bottom two teeth for a while, but now two top teeth are coming in!! We had no idea. You have not been running a fever or fussy. We just happened to look in your mouth one day and saw some white coming through.

You play quietly in your crib when you wake up in the morning and from naps. It is so cute!! Sometimes I don't even know you are awake until I hear you banging your paci on the rails. You never wake up crying or grumpy. You are always happy and when we walk in to get you, you pull yourself up with your arms up so that we can get you. So sweet!!!

Your favorite books are the "Llama, Llama" books! They are so fast and the rhymes are so cute. You love all the sound effects we make with them. You still love your stuffed Mickey Mouse, the music table, and all of your ride on toys. You have discovered a seahorse this month that Laura gave us at a baby shower. You pull it out of the toy box and just laugh at it and then carry it around in your mouth like a puppy! 

You are getting so good at waving. It is so sweet. Whenever you hear "bye bye", you automatically start waving. It is precious. You are still a pro at clapping. Stephanie's dad loves to clap at you and you just clap right back at him. It is so funny!

You are mainly in 12 months clothes. You can still fit in 9 month PJ's and Jon Jon's, but for the most part, you are in 12 months. You are still in size 4 diapers.

You hung out with Hunter this month when he came to stay with us for a few days. You also saw Molly a couple times, and attended Noemie's first  birthday party!!! You tried a lollipop for the first time at her party!! Conner and Shelley visited us and we loved that!

We had a few pool visits this month too! You love floating around in your float.

You are still crawling everywhere at a rapid speed!! You pull up on anything that you can, and you will sometimes let go for a few seconds and just stand there and look amazed. We get so excited!!!

William, you are just a precious, precious thing! We just love everything about you. I cannot believe it is almost time to celebrate you being one year old!!! You have brought us so much more happiness than we could have ever imagined. I can't even imagine life without you. Your Daddy and I just LOVE you!!! 

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