
William, we cannot believe you are 11 months old! How is it even possible?!!? I just can't get over the fact in less than a month, you will be a whole year old!! You are just the most wonderful little person we could have ever imagined!!
We are still unsure of your weight/length since thankfully, we have not had to visit the doctor for a sick visit. We will know your exact stats next month!!
You are still on a great schedule. You wake up around 7-8. You come downstairs and have yogurt and pancakes or strawberry, blueberry waffles, toast, etc. You LOVE breakfast. It is your favorite meal. You have your bottle around 9:15 and then play downstairs for a little while before going down for your nap. You usually sleep about two hours.
Lunch is the hardest meal. You don't seem to really LOVE anything we give you. You usually have some turkey or ham and a fruit and some cheese, or a quesadilla, or a grilled cheese, mac and cheese, etc. Sometimes you will stay have a baby food at lunch just to get some veggies or fruit in. You have another bottle around 1-1:30 and then go back down for a nap shortly after that. Depending on when you went to sleep, you sleep about 2 hours and it's usually time for your last bottle. You are not very interested in bottles anymore. I am hoping that means that the transition from formula to milk will be easy. You usually only drink about 2-3 oz at a time.
You have your last bottle around 5 and then play. We have dinner usually by 6:30. You typically just eat when we eat. If we are in a restaurant, you will usually get a grilled cheese. You have a bath (which you love to crawl and pull up in) around 7:30 or 8, and then we read to you and you are in your crib by 8:30. You are flexible enough that if we are late getting home at night, you don't freak out.
This month, you have gotten two more teeth!! One is your top right tooth. It looks so huge in your mouth!! It is completely out. Another one is on your left side...an incisor maybe? It isn't all the way out, but it is getting there! So that makes 4 total.
You wave all the time now. I love it!!!! You love to tell people "bye bye" by waving! Sometimes, you get really excited and do both hands! Haha!
You still love to clap!!! Especially when someone says, "Yaaaayyyyy" you really look around and smile and clap hard!!

You learned how to blow a kiss this month. You just put your little hand up to your mouth and throw it away. Sometimes you even say "Mwah!" Melt.my.heart. You also like to give kisses. They are messy but we love it. You just lean in to our faces with your open mouth and give us a big ol' kiss!! Sweet boy!
You started standing alone for several seconds. Sometimes you do it on your own; you just have a toy in one hand and then decide to let go of your toy box and hold the toy with both hands. You are so proud of yourself and start laughing and getting excited. You will also do it if we put you down and let go. Big boy!!
We have seen a little separation anxiety this month as well. It passes quickly, thank goodness. Sometimes when I leave at lunch to go back to work, you whine a little and sometimes even cry. It also happens sometimes when I walk out of the room. You are so sweet!
You and Riley are seriously BFF. You have really interacted with her a lot this month. Your new thing is baiting her with your toy. You wave it right around and then she runs toward you and grabs it from you and runs off. You laugh hysterically when she does this. She is constantly coming over to you while you play. When she finally goes and tries to rest, you follow her and start messing with her again so she will get up and play. Thank goodness she is patient!!
You are mainly in 12 months clothes and pj's. Some 9 months pj's fit, but they are getting too short. You definitely seem to outgrow in length faster than width. You still are in a size 4 diaper.
You had your first haircut this month (7/23). You already need another one!! Your hair just springs out all of a sudden, we can't believe how much you have! You did great for your haircut.
You hung out with Molly several times this month. Yall are so cute together now since you both crawl around and play. You even took a bath together this month!! We had a playdate with Noemie as well, and yall both bugged poor Riley to death in her kennel. We went to Greenville this month and met up with Shelley, Brandon, Sophia, and Conner. We had a fun day with them!! We had dinner with Becca too!! Tanya came home for lunch to visit you a few times! You love when she comes and you try to say her name!
You have tried more and more food this month. Sometimes, you love food one day and hate it the next day. It is so funny and sometimes frustrating. Just when we fill the pantry up with what you "like", you decide not to like it anymore haha! Pizza is a new favorite for this month.
You are "saying" a few words. You at least try. Ball, mama, dada, dog, diaper (you say "duuuup" whenever we bring one out), Nana, duck, book, thank you. Obviously you don't say them perfectly, sometimes you just mimic the syllables and use the first letter. It is still so sweet that you are trying!!
You still love the music table and little truck that Shelley gave you. A stuffed octopus entertains you in your bedroom. You will dig him out of a whole pile of toys. You still love Sophie the giraffe, especially in restaurants. You still love your paci for naps and bedtime, and sometimes in the car.
You are more interested in books lately. You love the "Llama, Llama" books and especially "Llama, Llama, Zippity Zoom". You laugh the whole time we read that one. As soon as you see a book, you start laughing. I am so glad you love to be read to!
We are in full party planning mode for your party next month. Your birthday invitations went out this week and things have been arriving at the house daily in preparation!! We can't wait to celebrate your first year of life! What a blessing you are!
William, you are just perfect!! We love you so, so much!!! We could not have asked for a more easygoing baby. You are the perfect little companion and love to be out and about with us. We look so forward to experiencing so many new things with you as the years go by!!!
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