About Me

My photo
NC girl who loves Jesus, Robbie, William, family, friends, Walt Disney World, all things pink, and monogrammed!

Sara & Robbie

Sara & Robbie
Met in a small town. Moved to a big city. Married 6 years. Owe it all to God's grace.

William Carter

William Carter
Born on 9/22/11. Loves his Mama fiercely, babies, Disney, playing his heart out, his friends and family.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Whitney tagged me in her Liebster post! We met through Courtney via blogging. I remember Courtney talking about her when we lived together after our time at Peace, and then when I got into the blog world, I followed her blog from Courtney's. I love reading it!!! We have technically "met" in real life. We saw each other at Lone Cedar a few years ago, but both of us were too shy or unsure to say anything, ha!! So, we have yet to meet and talk in real life. Maybe soon!!! :)

Liebster is a German word meaning sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. This award is given to blogs with less than 200 followers. The Liebster Award is basically a "tag" by another blogger that shows her appreciation for your blog and gives you the opportunity to tell a little more about yourself, discover other bloggers you may be interested in following, and nominate other blogs that you love.

The rules:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.

2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you have tagged to answer.

3. Choose up to 11 people and link them in your post.

4. Go to their page and let them know.

5. Remember no tag backs!

11 Random Facts

  1. Every single night before I go to bed, I go to William's room to check on him and make sure he is breathing and not too hot/cold. I stare at him and even sometimes pick him up for a minute. Robbie thinks I am borderline crazy. ;)
2.  I used to want to be a stay at home mom more than anything in the WORLD. Now, I am not so sure. Luckily, I have a very flexible job that allows for some working from home and a decent schedule so I still get plenty of time with that sweet boy. I still would like the freedom, but the extra money is nice!!

3.  I am very afraid of spiders. In fact, a la Miss Muffett, one just sat down beside me at work...on my desk. I proceeded to freak out and my co-worker thankfully ran into my cube to try and get it for me. We didn't find it and now I feel like it is crawling on me. Nice.

4.  I am obsessed with anything monogrammed. I have always loved it for myself. William has so many things with his name or his initials on it.

5. I listen to rap music. I think it surprises a lot of people, haha! People will get in my car and act really shocked.

6. I have lots of anxiety. Over stupid stuff too. Serious stuff, of course, but little things. Like this morning, I knew my Honda needed to go to the shop, sooo I was rehearsing the conversation I'd have with the shop people at 5:15 am. Right. I'm crazy.

7. My parents are divorced. Even though they have a decent relationship, there are little reminders all the time and it can be tough.

8. I am obsessed with pictures, ever since I was a small child. I have never really made albums though, I just leave them on my memory cards or phone forever.  My iPhone is FULL and I have to delete pictures in order to take more. It breaks.my.heart.

9.  I did not breastfeed. I do not think this makes me a terrible mother or William a neglected child.

10.  I love looking at houses. Sometimes I think I should have been a real estate agent. I do not enjoy like Parade of Homes, $1 million houses....only up to maybe $400,000 haha! I am constantly looking on FMRealty.com to see what we will ever be able to afford in a few years after we (hopefully) sell our townhouse.

11. My dream car is a brand new, Yukon XL Denali fully loaded. DREAM ON, right?!?!? LOL! I have wanted one FORever.

12. I was having such a hard time thinking of these, and now I just thought of another one that I probably shouldn't admit. I love the Kardashians. I love watching them. Kris Jenner is my fave. Let me duck and hide from all the boo's!! :)

Whitney's Questions for Me:

1. What does your husband do? (I wonder that about almost all the blogs I read!)

LOL! I wonder this all the time too! Especially when the wife stays at home and they are living in a NICE house and driving a loaded Tahoe, etc. LOL! Robbie is a manager at Bojangles. He has been there for 6 years. It is working for us right now...but he is open to other opportunities. Foodservice is a tough business, I grew up in it with my dad owning the distributing company, and now with Robbie on this end of it. Not much time for family. :(

2. What is your guiltiest pleasure when eating/snacking?

Hmm...probably bread or candy. LOL! I love bread, I could never do low-carb. And my favorite candy is Starburst. I don't even keep them in the house, since I just tear them up!!

3. If you could have any job, what would it be?

Wow, this one is tough. I really don't know. I really like my job now, it is pretty flexible and low-stress most of the time.

4. What traits annoy you in others?

Lying, snitching.

5. What time of day is hardest for you?

Hmm...probably the time from when I get home until we eat dinner. I hear a lot of people say that time is hard for them also. It's just a weird couple hours haha!!

6. Where do you vacation?

The Outer Banks, ever since I was a small child!! I cannot WAIT to take William to Disney World one day!

7. What room in your house is your favorite?

Hmm...this is hard since our whole downstairs is an open room...William's room is probably the cleanest and most put-together. I spent a lot of time decorating it and finding things for it, so it is probably my favorite!!

8. What magazines do you subscribe to or read?

I subscribe to US and Parents. I actually don't read either of them :/ No time!!

9. What is your favorite night out?

Dinner and a movie!!! :)

10. What do you collect?

Umm...smocked clothes?! LOL! I'm really not a collector of anything.

11. What is the last movie you saw?

Robbie and I bought the Hunger Games last night. We watched it when we got home...we loved it!

My questions for those I tag:

1. Do you think you will have any more children?

2.  What is your dream car?

3.  If you could vacation anywhere, where would it be?

4. Do you have any pets?

5. Where do you shop for children's clothes? (If somewhere in Raleigh, please let me know names!! ;))

6.  If you didn't stay at home, what kind of work would you do/be interested in?

7. What is your favorite TV show?

8. What does your husband do?

9. Do you find that friendships are harder to keep, the older you get?

10. Did you have a large or small wedding?

11.  What are some easy meals that you cook?

I am tagging Ashlee, Laura, Alisa, Ashley! I would love to read their responses, but I understand if it just can't get done! :)


  1. Love! I'm always looking for a reason to come to Raleigh, so we will have to meet!

    We have so much in common. I have to check on Avery and Sam every night and touch them. If they don't move, I feel to make sure they are breathing. Amen on the breast feeding and anxiety too. And, I think I'd surprise people with some rap too! I love your questions and kind of want to answer them. Ned is an independent insurance agent and runs his family's agency, and yes to #9, in case you're wondering.

  2. Ni, those were some really good questions that you had for others ;) And I could add something to your list (about you)! HA!
