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10/22/12 |
Oh my sweet William, you are 13 months old! (And have been for a couple weeks, ha!) I really enjoyed the monthly posts and love looking back on them so I decided to continue them. The issue is, you now realize that the sticker is on you, and try constantly to pull it off. In fact, this time you did pull it off, and then looked at me like, whoops! And kept trying to put it back on. You are just a busy boy! And so much fun!!
We went to the dr for the second round of your flu shot in October and you weighed 20 lbs. 6 oz. So, I would assume you are somewhere around there. You didn't even cry for your flu shot! I could not believe it. You looked at me for a second like WHAT was that?! And then smiled. You still wear a size 4 diaper and a size 4 shoe. You fit great in 12 month clothes and some 18 month clothes are too big, but you need them in length. Everything fits different. You took a step for the first time on 10/19. You have done a few more since then, but nothing consistent yet.
You have been very talkative this month!! We love it. Even if we can't always understand you, we love that you are trying to communicate. Your clearest words are Dada, shoes, juice, thank you, good job, yes, diaper (this is repeated incessantly as we change your diaper), cookie, choo choo, Ry Ry (for Riley- you start saying this as soon as we come in to get you out of your crib in the morning.)
Your schedule is pretty much the same. You wake up around 8-8:30, eat breakfast, nap around 9:30-10 until 12. You have your lunch, play, and go back down for a nap around 2. Luckily, you seem to be ok even when you miss one of the naps. You tend to wake up from your second nap around 4:30-5 and have a snack. We eat dinner around 6-6:30 and you typically eat what we eat and then have a bath/playtime and go to bed around 8-8:30. New favorites at dinner include rice and peas. You can eat a TON of peas and jsut keep shoveling them in!
Your new thing is putting your hand up to your ear like you are on the phone. It is hysterical. And you talk to yourself as if you are really on the phone! You are obsessed with Nana's iPhone. As soon as she pulls it out, you start begging.
You are following directions better and better. You will brush your hair when we hand you the brush and tell you to brush. You love to put things in and out. Especially in the bathtub, you are a big help with cleanup! You hand me your trash when you find it on the floor and try to clean up your food when you are done vs. throwing it on the floor to Riley (we are working on this one).
You do the sweetest thing lately. I will sing to you really quietly and when I finish, you look up at me and take your paci out and sing back to me, really softly. Not really with words, just with this sweet tune. I try to catch it on video, and you don't sing back. Of course. You also love to read to yourself after we are done reading to you at night. You always want the book back and open it and turn pages and "read" to us. It is the sweetest thing.
You love to dance whenever you hear music. You reach for things that you want. Favorites are my cereal, my crackers, etc. As soon as you see someone else having something, you automatically want it.
You have mastered drinking out of a straw!! This makes life a little easier. In restaurants, I don't even pull out a sippy cup. You just drink out of the big cup. You love juice boxes at home too. You can tell us where your foot is if asked, and you even stick them out for me if you see me getting socks out for you.
Your new favorite game is "Where's William?" You find anything on the floor that can be used to hide under. As soon as you are under it, you start squealing and laughing until someone says, Where's William?! Then you pull it off of your head quickly and bounce and smile. It is sooo precious. It is so funny the things you pick up, without us even showing you. You also do this eye thing that is hilarious. You squint your eyes and blink real fast until you do it back and then you love to laugh at it. I think you saw someone do it once and now you have just picked it up!
This month, you are still loving your ride-on toys. You have focused a lot on your train table and your slide. You love to go to the top of the slide and just stand there and watch TV. It scares me so bad!! Daredevil.
You know when you are not supposed to do something, but typically do it anyway. When you see the remote on the couch, you squeal and then cut your eyes at me. I say, No, William, you know we don't play with the remote. And you reach out and touch it. Just like Nemo with the boat. Sheesh.
You are obsessed with dogs!! As soon as you see one on TV or in a book, you start barking. When we take Riley outside, you start barking because there is a dog outside who usually barks. It is so funny!
You had a fun month. We had many playdates and you visited the State Fair for the first time and even tried a bite of a funnel cake. You still are a great shopping buddy and love your restaurants. We visited the pumpkin patch and you rode a pony and loved it! We celebrated Dada's birthday at the Angus Barn, and even though Mama was about to freak for the entire 3 hours we were there, you did pretty well for a one year old! We painted pumpkins and made a Halloween craft (much outside our comfort zone!) We look forward to many more firsts and fun times with you, sweet boy!!
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