Weekend before last, we had another busy weekend! We got a glimpse into how the rest of the world lives when Robbie had Saturday AND Sunday off with us. It was bliss!!
We knew we wanted to take William to the circus on Saturday. I tried to get online Friday morning and order 4 tickets for all of us, and the website was down!! Since we were down to the wire, I panicked and convinced Robbie to ride with me to the arena to get them in person (he was closing that night). We basically got the last 4 pack of seats together, shew!! After William's afternoon nap, we had a few minutes before we were going to dinner, so Mama and I took him to the park in our neighborhood. He LOVES to swing! After a few minutes, we headed over to the mall. We had California Pizza Kitchen for dinner. I swung by Talbots and tried on some clothes. I NEVER get myself anything! It drives everybody crazy. So, I gave in and got a couple tops and a pair of corduroys! William had a ball running around the dressing rooms (we were the only ones in there) and checking himself out in every mirror!
Got our tickets!! |
Big shot sitting on the couch |
Always moving! |
He has figured out that this door is the way to freedom, and is constantly pushing on it, ha! |
I'm ready!! |
This is how I get out, Mama! Let's go! |
Swinging! |
<3 |
Shopping hazards! |
Quick bath after a late night! |
Friday night, Robbie called me and told me that William's good buddy, Great Papa (Stephanie's dad) had passed away. We loved getting with him at dinner almost every night! He will be missed. This picture is from last Easter. | | | |
Saturday morning, we were up early! The circus started at 11, but doors opened at 10, so we were out of the house by 9:15 to get Hannah and get to the arena.We found our seats and then went down to the 3 rings for a few minutes, then got our snacks and headed back to the seats. It was a little over 2 hours long. I wasn't sure how William would do, especially sitting in our laps and eating his "lunch" aka popcorn, crackers, 1 bite of a hamburger. Basically he snacked lol. But he LOVED it!!! He stared, pointed, clapped and laughed the entire 2 hours. It was SO worth the money. Every dime. We all enjoyed ourselves, too!! Mama and Hannah chipped in and got him a stuffed elephant. He is obsessed with it now!!
Saturday was also Mama's birthday! She said she didn't mind sharing her birthday with the circus, haha! But we promised to celebrate that night at dinner. I was supposed to make dinner reservations at Firebirds, but I believed everyone who told me they didn't take reservations and didn't make any. So when I called ahead for a group of 10, they didn't have ANY room!!! So we frantically called the other Firebirds, Angus barn, all of the Bonefish Grills, etc. I was starting to stress! Finally, we called the Capital City Chophouse and they had room for us!! We had a delicious meal, and were even in our private room! We were there for about 3 hours, so that worked out great, since William got a little restless, haha. I think she had a great birthday, celebrating with everyone! Sadly, we got no pictures, except one of Robbie and William before we left.
Passed out before we were even out of the parking lot! |
Leaving for dinner! |
Sunday morning, we were up early. We wanted to try Sunday School at the church we had been going to. I don't discuss religion much on here, but lately we have been trying to get involved in a church. It is hard because of Robbie's job, so I wanted to find one that William and I could feel comfortable enough going to without him.We realized WE need to be there as much as possible, and we really want William raised in that environment as well! We have tried 3 churches so far. We attended one by our house a couple times, and really liked it. But, after trying Sunday school and visiting those few times, we realized there weren't that many young people, and that is important to us - to become involved and have friendships. One thing I am thankful for, is William's attitude. He goes right into the nursery, doesn't even look back! It surprised me, since he stays at home. But he LOVES it! We always get reports of how sweet he is, and how he didn't cry and just played and played. Robbie and I love it because he always acts SO excited to see us! We had a relaxing rest of the day after church and lunch!
Playing at church in the nursery! |
Should not even put this on the internet, LOL!! William loves crawling over our piles of clean clothes! |
The elephant is bigger than him! |