About Me

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NC girl who loves Jesus, Robbie, William, family, friends, Walt Disney World, all things pink, and monogrammed!

Sara & Robbie

Sara & Robbie
Met in a small town. Moved to a big city. Married 6 years. Owe it all to God's grace.

William Carter

William Carter
Born on 9/22/11. Loves his Mama fiercely, babies, Disney, playing his heart out, his friends and family.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

We All Have Fun When the Grandparents Visit!!

The weekend before last, Robbie's parents visited! We don't see them as much as we'd like, but they promise in a couple years when they are both retired, we will be seeing them a ton more!! Robbie ended up having that Saturday off, which was really nice. 

Before they came, on Thursday, we went to Mobley's and got William some new shoes. Nana got him his pair of new saddle shoes for Easter, and I got him a pair of navy sandals. He loved sitting in the little chair and trying on shoes. On Friday, he looked so sweet in his new shoes and an outfit from last year that surprisingly still fit! It makes the price I paid for that outfit a little less hurtful. In my defense, it was my favorite, and just about the only outfit I have paid full retail value for!

Linda and Leroy arrived around 11:30 on Saturday and had an Easter basket for William. It was stuffed with Peeps, a sippy cup, squeezable fruit that he LOVES, and 2 puzzles that he is now obsessed with! Robbie gave him his first try of Peeps. He loved them!! Which is hilarious because they are not our fave. We went to lunch at Village Deli, which was delish as always. After lunch, we just hung out around the house and let William get a good nap, since we were going to Firebirds for dinner! William was so good and just played with his new puzzle while waiting for our food. After dinner, it was early, so we went over to the playground in the mall. He had a ball! I can't get over how un-shy he is! I would have been a nervous wreck to go into that playground with all of those kids, but he could barely let us get his shoes off before he was off! He ran right into kids, didn't mind what they did, and at one point we saw him sitting with a little girl, taking her Vtech toy and playing with it. She was so sweet to show him how to do it. After that, he was beat, so a bath and bedtime were in order!!

Sunday morning, Robbie had to work, but we really wanted Robbie's parents to see our church.  I woke up and felt SO sick. I'm not sure what was wrong! I could hardly get ready, but really wanted to go. Thank goodness Linda helped me get William ready. On the way to church, we both kind of looked like the picture below, haha. A little out of it. We had a great time in Sunday school and worship. Robbie's parents liked the church, just couldn't get over it's size!! It can be overwhelming, but we love it. We went to lunch at Robbie's store afterwards, and Laura and Caleb and their girls joined us. Linda and Leroy left from there and William and I headed home for naptime. He passed out in the car! He is always so worn out from playing all morning! That night, we had Chinese for dinner and William was literally scraping his bowl to make sure he got all of the rainbow sherbet! We can't wait until Grandma and Grandpa visit again!!!

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