Until recently, William has been a boy of little words, haha. He really only said ONE of his friends' names, and that was Grace! He says it like, "Gaaayce" I love it! He is constantly calling her name out over and over all day long. He just loves her! He also started saying "Carolyn" too (her mama!). Because of their mutual adoration for each other, Carolyn and I are trying to be better at planning play dates for them! They (and we) love getting together!
One Friday, we met at Chick Fil A. We had a quick lunch and then let them wear themselves out playing! We had a quick run to Target, and then headed to their house. I set up my work computer there; since I had been having internet issues that morning at my house anyway. We were thinking about leaving around 2:30, so the kids could nap, but they were playing sooo nicely together, and Carolyn and I were enjoying discussing our mutual love of Patsy Aiken clothing....that we put William down at her house! Her guest room has a pack and play and he fell right OUT. He was exhausted! After a 2.5 hour nap (WHOO HOOO!!!!), we decided to have dinner together, since both daddies were at work until 8:30. After a dinner of delish leftovers, we moseyed over to Kohl's to see what they had on sale. Paul and Robbie met us there when they got off - probably to inspect the damage haha! We had such a fun day together - probably a record; 11 hour playdate!!!

Mommy selfie while the babies sleep! ;) |
Post-nap snack of cheese! |
Baby drink vs. mama drink ;) |
A few nights later, Carolyn and Paul invited us over for dinner. We had so much fun dressing Grace and William up in C & P's wedding Mickey ears. They looked SOOO cute and you can't help but hope they DO end up together so that you can show this picture at the rehearsal. ;) We ate outside and I think the kids took about 2 bites apiece. They were so excited to be in a different setting and with a friend, ha! We had such a great time!!! We look forward to many more fun memories with The Rutherfords!!! :)
Enjoying some ice cream! |
That is an epic playdate. Wow! Henry is really talking now and soon you will long for some quiet.