Two years ago, Ashley and Lara Lee threw an Ornament Exchange. You can read about it
here. We had such a great time, but last year was a pretty big year for Courtney, Ashley and myself. Three sweet babies were born right near the holidays, so the party didn't happen. This year, we were determined to make it happen! Lara Lee graciously offered to host at her house, and on December 7th, we had our second not-so-annual ornament exchange!! We had a great group of girls come and celebrate with us! Ashley brought some delicious sangria and we just had a great time eating and drinking and catching up!! We did the exchange Dirty Santa style. I have never stolen from anyone, but I made my stealing debut that night and stole from my BFF, Ashley!! I got the cutest ornament that Courtney brought from the Grove Park Inn. I just love it!
Lara Lee, Courtney, Ashley, and myself each brought 2 dishes. We had a great spread! I made
Spinach Dip and it is so easy and delish! I also made Christmas Hollies, a recipe passed down from Courtney herself. They are like rice krispy treats but with cornflakes!
I ended up staying out super late! I didn't leave Lara Lee's until 12:45! Robbie actually got off work and met me at her house so we could follow each other home. I haven't stayed out that late in a lonnnng time, but it was great talking to everyone and catching up with so many girls that I don't see very often!! We can't wait to do it again next year, and the best news is, Courtney has already volunteered to host!! ;)
Earlier in the day, William and I did his Christmas painting - a tree!! :) |
Hollies! |
Making my spinach dip! |
The spread! |
Work BFF's! |
My ornament! |
That was a fun night! Someone just remind me that I've agreed to host next year! And your batch of hollies came out way better. 31 marshmellows and not one pinch more!