So, since William turned two, I haven't really done an update on him. I love going back and reading his monthly posts, so I figured I'd update y'all on some funny things he is saying right now. He literally surprises us with new words/phrases. We laugh constantly!!! He is just such a joy.
He goes to nursery every Sunday at church. He loves it! I am so glad. He walks right in, no tears, looking back, etc.When I pick him up, he tells me what they had for snack, what songs they sang, etc. Most times, his teachers tell me that he is just such a joy, and that he claps and laughs when the snacks come out, and when she starts singing!
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He loves to call roll haha. If we say we are going to dinner, "Mommy go? Daddy go? Hannah go? Nana go?" And the funniest - if he is looking for a toy, or someone, he says "Nana....oh Nana, are you??" He does it in this singsong voice and it just makes us crack up!!
He got a Mr. Potato Head for Christmas. I wanted him to have it because of Toy Story, but never did I imagine it would be such a hit!! He is constantly playing with it "arm on, hat on" etc. The other day he was trying to put the back piece on and looked at me and said, "Hiney on, please!" LOL!
Robbie was at home the other day and asked what he wanted to watch. His reponse? "How aboutttt...Woody Buzz 3" AKA Toy Story 3. He just started the How About thing and it cracks us up!!
He loves to play with Riley. If he is eating, he tells her "Riwey, go way DOWN!" If he gives her a treat, he just giggles and says, "Riwey eat it!"
You cannot mention the movies around him. Unless you want to go to a movie. Seriously. He is not slow. If we even drive by a theater, he is saying - "Movies?! Popcorn? Nana? See Fwozen? Olaf?" It cracks me up that he says Nana, but that is who usually takes him, ha!
And you most certainly cannot mention DISNEY! Shew. We have learned our lesson - from here on out, we won't tell him until we are getting in the car to go! Every single day, "Meet Mickey? Hug Minnie? Hug Pluto? Donald Duck? Ride Buzz? Ride choo choo train?" and on and on. I LOVE that he is so excited!!! But wow, having to answer the same questions like that can drive you nuts haha. I used to say "not today baby", but he would get we started "Yes!! Very soon!!" So now he will say, "Mickey hug? Soon!" Ha! He loves to tell you what Woody "Snake in boot!", Buzz "Tooo finiy and beyond!", Jessie "Yeeee hah!", and Bullseye "Heehaahhh" say.
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He loves for me to "draw" Big Bird, Elmo, Olaf, Cookie, etc. His favorite is Nemo. And he will say "Bubbles!" Never wants me to forget to draw bubbles coming out of his mouth.
In the bathtub, he has a great time!! He looooves his "bubble baf" We have water crayons, and he loves to draw. If the crayon falls in the water, he tells me it is swimming. He is also a total showoff, lying down in the water and dumping the cup of water on his head, singing his ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Happy Birthday.
Speaking of songs, my favorite little part he sings is the Itsy Bitsy Spider. He must have heard it at school, and he only says "Itty bitty spyyyy, WASH!!!!!!!!!" And his hand motions kill me. He tries to do the spider part, and then frowns and just throws his hands down to do the "wash the spider out" part. Hilarious!
He loves the iPad and our iPhones. He will say, "Mommy phone please? Play games?" Or daddy phone, iPad, etc. If he gets stuck on something - "Mommy help! Please!" Love it!
He is very vocal about what he wants to watch. "Watttchhh Bubble Guppies? Charlie Brown? Best friend Snoopy?"
This Christmas, his favorite activity was looking at lights. Every time that we got in the car, he would say, "Go see mo' lights? Reindeer? Santa? Snowman?" Now that they are all gone, he will say, "Lights night night?"
He loves to name his friends when he sees their pictures. "Mowwy! (Molly), Baby Claire! Gayyyce (Grace), Lucy, Anor! (Eleanor), Paul (this is Grace's dad, but he loves to say Paul lol), Ella, Maxx, Evenyn (Evelyn), Emmy! (Emily), Coyner (Conner), Chiiiaha (Chiara)" Another sweet note about his friends - I had a couple friends message me and tell me that when they got our Christmas card, their baby (William's age) pointed to it and recognized him from church!!! Love that he is making little friends on his own!!
We had to take Riley to the vet a couple months ago. Her paw was bleeding, and was ALL over the carpet before I realized it. We rushed out the door in our pj's to take her to the vet. If you ask William about it he will tell you, "RiRi doctor. Her feet!! Hurt. Ok now."
He loves to say if someone is sad. In all of the movies he watches, if someone is sad, he will say, "Mickey sad." And he says it in this pitiful voice. It cracks me up up that he KNOWS when someone is sad!
He does the cutest thing where he pretends like something smells bad. He sniffs really quickly, and says, "Ooooh Goofy! ooooh Mommy! Oooooh RiRi!" He does that for everything in the car. It is hilarious.
He doesn't like to go to Time Out. He is just depressed by the whole thing. When he gets out of it, he says, "Sowwy Mama, throwing toys." The other day, Nana put him in time out for throwing his trains and messing up his tracks. When we went to lunch, he told me!! "Time out, throw my trains. Sowwy Nana." OMG!
There are so many places that he recognizes as soon as we pull up! Cookout? "Milkshake please!", Chick Fil a? "Chickalay! Meet Gayce! Chicken nuggets!", Church? "Chutch! Play cars!", Village Deli? "Cookie, please!", Golden Corral? "Toys!!!" (the little vending machine thing in the lobby - OBsessed).
We went to see Dora Live in November with Sara and Noemie, and now he looooves Dora! "Watch Dowa, see Boots? Swiper no swipin! Awww mannnn!"
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He is very interested in the potty, but I am NOT pushing it. In fact, I am actually dreading it. Robbie's parents got him a little Elmo potty for Christmas, and he loves to sit on it and pretend. He will even say, "Go potty! Flush!" But nothing. Last night, after his bath, he asked to go potty, and sat down and went!!! It was so exciting haha. Even though I'm not ready at least until after Disney, it was still neat that he got it!
He is so great at finding things!! And such a helper. If I come in his room and his paci fell, he will say, "Paci down dere!" and point. He loves to crawl behind the crib when I pull it out and get the paci. If the paci is "dirty", he will ask me to "Cean it! RiRi hair" (even if there is no hair anywhere). He has a paci that has a little tear in it, and every time he gets it, he asks me to clean it haha. He thinks that is why it's not the same!
He loves his Jake spyglass! It makes me laugh that he knows how to use it correctly! He will look through and say, "mama, see you!" He also does it in the bathtub on the silver thing below the faucet. He will look in it and say, "I see you!!!" through his giggles. So precious.
A couple nights ago, I literally sang ONE line from "Let it Go" from Frozen. He turned around from his dinner and said, "Fwozen song?" Really?! His mind!!!
He loves to FaceTime and will beg for it. "Call Jeremiah!" "Call Nana/Hannah/Ella/Lilly!" "Call Papa!" "Call Geema/Geepa!" "Call Mowwy!" "Call Conner!"
The list could go on and on. Sorry if I have bored you. I just want to freeze him at this age. Yes, we have trying moments of course. The majority, though? He is just a bundle of love and sweetness that I just want to squeeze! I love listening to his mind work and pick up new words every day!!! <3
I love it when their language starts to explode! It's my favorite thing ever!