We invited Ashley, Willie, and Molly over for dinner, but found out that Willie had a stomach virus and was staying farrr away. So, Ashley and Molly joined us! I started BBQ in the crock pot (SO easy, put a pork tenderloin and 12oz can of root beer in the crock pot and cook on low for 6 hours. Drain the juice, shred the pork and add a bottle of BBQ sauce and re-heat. I served it on buns! So good!!) I totally forgot to take pictures of the finished product. Booo.
Robbie and I decided to go on a quick walk with William and Riley before Ashley arrived, but she beat us to the house! Then, I realized William's blanket was missing so Ashley, Molly, William, and I walked back around the neighborhood and finally found his sweet blanket flapping in the breeze. Poor boy almost lost his blanket!
We had a great time talking and visiting, and Molly and William played on the floor and entertained themselves.
Pork cooking |
Ready for a walk! |
Ashley brought me the cutest dump truck! |
Playing with Molly! |
While waiting for Robbie to wake up, William and I played and he took the picture below all by himself! He hit the button, ha! I worked from home, which was a nice change. William had fun playing with his caterpillar, and took long naps! That night, we went to Mexican with Hannah, Stephanie, and her dad and he was so grumpy and finally fell asleep in Hannah's arms.
Little photographer |
I love my caterpillar! |
Playing with the farm at dinner. |
Saturday morning, William had his first taste of peaches! He loved them, of course. Next up are green beans! I discovered a new game called Draw Something and just had to save this picture that Robbie drew for me to guess. The answer is slippers but I swear it was hilarious and one of my Facebook friends said that it looked like a guy was sleeping on a bike!!! I DIED. After William's afternoon nap, we went to Kohl's and Target with our long-lost friend, Lara Lee!!! We hadn't seen her in FOREVER and it was good to catch up!
I don't know about this... |
Yum!!! |
Fresh and clean!! |
William and LLK |
Playing with his new elephant |
William and I were lazy and hung around the house while Hannah and Robbie worked. We read books, William played in his crib while I picked out his clothes, and napped! We finished out the weekend with a mad rush to Babies R Us before they closed (I forgot places close early on a Sunday!) and dinner with Hannah and Robbie at Hibachi 101!
This one looks good, Mama |
He loves watching the ocean scene Hannah got him! |
Napping with that belly out! |
I finally bought a sleep sack. He loved it last night!! Slept all night and was toasty warm! |
I died at that pic with his belly out!! LOL I've got to catch up on blogging.. you would think I could have one posted daily. NOPE! I'm slack!