About Me

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NC girl who loves Jesus, Robbie, William, family, friends, Walt Disney World, all things pink, and monogrammed!

Sara & Robbie

Sara & Robbie
Met in a small town. Moved to a big city. Married 6 years. Owe it all to God's grace.

William Carter

William Carter
Born on 9/22/11. Loves his Mama fiercely, babies, Disney, playing his heart out, his friends and family.

Friday, March 30, 2012

6 Months Old!!!


Oh, my sweet William, you are SIX months old!!! I cannot believe it! It just feels like it has flown by, and at the same time, we can't remember what it was like without you! We just marvel in everything that you do!

On your six month birthday, you had your doctor's appointment. We had to fill out a six month developmental questionnaire, and you did great! You are able to do everything that was listed, and the doctor said you scored above average!!! Yayyyy, baby!

Your stats this time were great too! You were in 40% for everything, which your doctor was pleased with. You are a growing boy!!!
Height: 26 1/8 in.
Weight: 16 lbs. 7 oz.
Head: 17 in.

You had to have shots also :( You only screamed for a few seconds thank goodness! It is so pitiful. You were in a good mood for the entire day until around 7:30. You got a little fussy, so I gave you some Tylenol and you were happy again! Thank goodness at our next appointment you will catch a break and only need one shot!

You typically sleep 10-12 hours at night. Sometimes a little less. If we put you down after 9:30, you tend to not sleep as well and get up early. On nights that you go down at 8:30, you will sleep until 7:30-8:30. Those nights are bliss!!! We are lucky that you are such a good sleeper!

You are now in a size 3 diaper!!! You wear a variety of sizes in clothes. Your pj's and most everything else are 6 or 9 months. You can wear some 12 month outfits, but they are big.

You started sitting in a highchair at restaurants this month, which you seem to really like. You just play with your toys and stare all around. You get really distracted if there is a little kid around for you to stare at. We feed you cereal and baby food at dinner while we eat. It is so nice to not have to rush home and feed you, since you eat with us!

You LOVE baby food! As of your six month birthday, you have had oatmeal cereal, mixed fruit rice cereal, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, squash, peaches, apples, bananas and chicken and rice. You aren't too sure of the peas, green beans, or chicken and rice. Everything else is a huge hit!

You are on a great schedule! You eat baby food (usually a fruit) when you first wake up around 8, have a bottle a few minutes after that, then playtime and a nap for an hour or two. You eat again around 12:30 (bottle), and then play and nap again. You eat another bottle at 4:30. We are usually in a restaurant by 6:30-7, which is when you have your cereal and more food. You get your final bottle right before bed. It really works for us, because it is enough of a schedule that we all know what to expect, but not so regimented that you have a meltdown if you're not in bed by a certain time.

You continue to be our "chill" baby. You are fine with or without a nap. Usually, I have to wake you up from a nap so we can go somewhere and you are still just as happy. A lot of times, you fall asleep in the stroller while we are shopping.

You are really very alert lately! As soon as someone walks in the door, you are craning your neck looking. You are very attentive to noises and love Riley! When you see her, you just start smiling, and as she comes closer, you start giggling really hard. It is so sweet!!! I hope you always have a great relationship with her.

We went to the park earlier this month and let you go down the slide and swing for a little bit. You love being outside. You get very quiet and just look all around. We have been having such nice weather, so we have been on lots of walks. Thank goodness for that great stroller that you love!

You have started to wear shoes more this month. We love Stride Rite Robeez since they were made for little baby feet that aren't walking yet. Your favorites are your Hungry Caterpillar ones and your sandals. You also have a white dress pair that I just want to eat you up in!

Your new trick is squealing out!!! So loud! And you seem to like doing it in restaurants. Sometimes it's a little embarrassing haha. You will even imitate us if we squeal, then you will squeal back. It is so funny.

You love to chew...everything goes to your mouth! It is hilarious. You also grab everything within reach. At the dinner table, you will pull my plate or silverware toward you. We really have to watch you!

You LOVE to stand. Sometimes when we try to sit you down, you straighten your legs and will not let us! You are so strong! You just stand up like a big boy like you are just going to walk right across the room!

You celebrated your first St. Patrick's Day this month!! You slept in your clover pj's the night before and looked so sweet! Your Daddy made sure you had on green before we went to dinner so you didn't get pinched! ;)

We went to Stephanie's church the Sunday after St. Patrick's Day for an Easter celebration!! You dyed an egg, had a bag made with your initials, and were supposed to go on an Easter egg hunt, but you just crashed right in my arms. You are so sweet. You looked just so to die for in your smocked bunny jon jon and white dress shoes and socks!

That same day, we went to see the Easter Bunny at the mall. You loved him! You just sat right in his lap and rubbed his furry paws and beat on him a little bit, haha! You kept looking up at him!

You are doing so well sitting up! The doctor told us you have a lot more balance and strength than a lot of six month olds she sees. You are still depending on your hands to have the perfect position, but you are doing better about lifting your hands to play with a toy. After a while, you lose your balance but I bet it won't be long before you are sitting and playing with no problem! She told us as soon as you can sit without having to balance with your hands, we can try giving you a sippy cup!!

You are officially a tummy sleeper now. It still freaks me out a little. Hannah bought you the cutest thing for your crib by Fisher Price. It is an ocean scene and the animals move and it lights up and plays music. You love it! We turn it on when we put you in the crib, and it puts you to sleep pretty quickly! You still love to roll constantly, especially in the crib. I look at the monitor 100 times a night, and you are always in a different position in the crib or rolled to your side or back from your tummy.

You are the sweetest when we go in to wake you up in the morning or at nap time. You just look up at us and smile and smile. You are real quiet when you first get up, like you have to wake up for a few minutes first.

We moved you to a convertible car seat in the Tahoe this month! You love all of the extra room, and we love not having to carry in that heavy car seat anymore. You are still in the infant seat in the Honda and Nana's car. Nana is so happy she has a base now so y'all can go places!!!

We also had a half birthday party on your six month birthday! We celebrated with cake and just had fun talking about our sweet boy!

You love to laugh! Different things make you laugh on different days. Funny noises, playing with your feet, bouncing you, those are just a few of the things that will tickle you!

You love to sit on the floor on a blanket with all of your toys around you. Riley will even come over and try to help you play. You are really starting to express yourself. When you want to be heard, you let everyone know! You do a lot of babbling, and we both swear we have heard you say "Mama" and "Dada", but of course it's probably just by accident!! :)

Your Nana continues to love watching you, and has even given Mama and Daddy a few date nights this month as well. We feel so fortunate that you are able to stay home with someone who cares about you so much! You are a lucky little boy! So many people love you!

You are just the greatest joy. I can't think of anything I would rather do than be your Mama. We are all just crazy over you. I want to do anything and everything for you. I am so, so lucky that I was chosen to be your Mama. I get so excited to get home to you in the afternoon and play with you. You are so much fun!

William, we just feel like we are the luckiest Mama and Daddy on the whole planet!!! Each month we say that we just cannot imagine our lives without you. Every single day, we count our blessings on having such a sweet, happy, healthy boy!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 6 months William! :) He is so cute. And I love all his clothes. You have to tell me where to shop for cute boy clothes. It is so hard to find cute stuff for boys!!
