Oh my precious William, you are 8 months old! I cannot believe it! You are at such a fun age. You respond really well to us and love to play! You are a busy little boy (obviously, since I couldn't get very many good pictures this month!), but still love to sit with us and be squeezed on!
The biggest news from this month - you are crawling!!!! A few weeks ago, you started getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth. We knew it was coming. About a week ago, you figured out how to get across the floor, fast!! You are very interested in Riley's bowls. You like to crawl to things and almost turn them over on you! We have to watch you. You also crawl over to the coffee table or anything sturdy and try to pull up. Oh.my.goodness.
As of May 8th, you weighed 18 lbs. 6.5 oz. We had to go to the doctor for you very first "sick" visit! You weren't technically sick; you just had a diaper rash that would not quit! Finally, we are getting some relief from a prescription cream, after trying TWO OTC remedies.

You are such a good eater! You eat breakfast around 8 (Fruit), and then a 6 oz. bottle shortly after that. You play for a little while, then go down for a nap that usually lasts 2 hours. You eat lunch (vegetable) around 12-12:30, followed by another 6 oz. bottle around 1. Playtime, followed by naptime again. Your last bottle is at 5 (6oz) and then we have dinner (cereal and vegetable or fruit) around 6:30. You play for a little while after dinner, then have a bath and are usually in bed by 8-8:30. About a week ago (5/15), we took away your nighttime bottle. Your pediatrician recommended that we start getting rid of it before you realize you are even having it. You really weren't interested in it anymore, anyway. You would typically eat 1 ounce and push it away. So, after a couple early mornings, you are back to sleeping until 7:30-8! Yay!

You started using a sippy cup this month. You LOVE it. All you have had in it is water, but you constantly reach for it at dinner. You also love Baby Mum Mum's and Puffs. It is so nice to give you a little "snack" and some water now if we are out and about. You have tried some table food - roll, spaghetti, mac and cheese, green beans, peas, watermelon frozen yogurt, strawberries. Avocados were NOT a hit. You make the funniest face when you put something in your mouth that you have to chew! It is hilarious!
You sit up so great in your highchair now. You are thankfully still so easy to take anywhere. You shop in the stroller with me for hours. You are never restless. You love being in a restaurant and just staring and taking it all in. We had to lower your crib mattress this month. You pull up on your breathable bumper and just laugh and chew on it. So, I was getting a little nervous that you were going to figure out that you could get out!
You have really mastered putting your paci in. It is so funny! You have been doing it for a couple months, but it has really gotten good this past one! I watched you on the video monitor one night. You woke up, swooped your arm out and grabbed the paci, and put it right in your mouth, and boom! Back to sleep. That is going to be a hard one for Mama to take away. I love you with that paci. It is so sweet!!

You are still as social as ever. We hung out with Davis this month, Molly a lot, the girls from Mama's work, even Shelley came and visited! You love when Hannah comes around. You just grin from ear and to ear and start giggling! Hannah and Nana took you shopping and got you your first pair of Sperry's. You look adorable in them!! You stayed at the mall for 8 hours! And you had no complaints. We visited the museum downtown for the 2nd time (with Ashley, Willie, and Molly). We took a day trip to the zoo also. It was so much fun! You didn't really pay too much attention, and even took a couple short naps, but it was fun to take you!

You love your baths! You splash around and play with your rubber ducky and other toys. It is so much easier now that you can sit up. After your bath, you do not play around. You are ready for bed. While I drain the water and clean up your toys, you fake cry until I pick you up. Once you are in your pj's it is time for you! We put you in that sleep sack and in the bed and about 2 minutes later, you are gone. It is so funny because we watch you on the monitor; you crawl around for a second like you're wide awake, then all of a sudden, just crash!
Clothes sizes are still all over the place. Your 6 month stuff is just about done. I really should go ahead and pack it up, but there are some cute outfits ;) Your little feet are just stretching out the bottom. 9 months stuff tend to fit you well, and even some 12 month clothes fit. You are still wearing a size 3 diaper.
I packed up your swing this month. It made me sad. But you had not sat in it in a long time, mostly because you would twist yourself out of it haha! It was getting a little dangerous. Man, that thing was a lifesaver the first few weeks of your life. Now, something that we had little to no use for in the beginning, the Pack n Play, is becoming a great asset. You love to play in there with your toys, and it is nice for me to get a few things done without worrying about where you are going. We had to lower the mattress in that too, since you were getting up on your knees and popping your upper body out of it! OMG.
You rarely cry. And most of the time when you do, it is a fake cry. You start smiling halfway through it. You have to be really sleepy to cry, mostly. You are such a sweet boy!!! We have been so lucky to have your calm temperment. You are just an angel baby! We stare at you while you sleep and just could never have fathomed loving you so, so much!
William, you are just so wonderful! We are so, so blessed to have you. I just can't believe you are ours. It seems that each and every month just gets better and better and we fall more and more in love with you. I am so happy I am your Mama and I know your Daddy feels the same way.