My dear, dear William, you are two years old! I just can't believe it. You are just the sweetest little thing, and learn something new every single day! You just amaze us!
We haven't been to your two year checkup yet, but we have been to the doctor a couple times this month, so I have an estimate on your weight - 26 pounds. You are still our thin, but tall little boy. You wear a size 5 diaper, and your longalls are size 2T, while shirts and pants stay around 18-24m. We just bought you new shoes for the fall, and you jumped from a 5 to a 7.5!!! You still LOVE your paci. I know, I know, we need to work on it. But now you actually say, "My paciiii" when you want it, and it just kills me. There are worse habits... You still take a nap most days. Mostly only once a day, in the afternoon, for about 2-3 hours. You go to bed around 8:30-9, depending on what's going on in our life at that time. Thank goodness you are pretty flexible.
You are a decent eater. Some of your favorites are: cheese quesadillas, mac and cheese, cheese sticks (anything cheese, really haha. If we ask you what you want to eat, you say, "Cheeeeese"), hot dogs, turkey, bread of any kind, yogurt, Honey Nut Cheerios, raisins, fruit snacks, and lately you are obsessed with my sour cream and onion chips. You still won't eat a baked or mashed potato! Your favorite drinks are water, milk, and juice. You do love your sweets, but luckily get tired of them after a couple bites. You will begggg, "Cupcake, peassse, cookie, peassse". It is too cute to resist!
You are a talker!! I LOVE it. In fact, around 20 or so months old, I was keeping track of words you said in my Notes on my phone. I read somewhere you should know at least 50, and goodness, lately you have passed that by leaps and bounds. I couldn't even begin to estimate how many you know. You LOVE going around the room or table and telling us who each person is. It is just the sweetest thing. I love when you say your prayers, and say, "Dear God" and tell Him who/what you are thankful for in your life. Then. you give this big, evangelistic AMENNN!!! afterwards. It tickles us!!! Some favorites of mine to hear you say are: Beeeeannnn (Breanne), luhhh oooo (love you), Mama, Daddy, RiRi, Gayyyce (Grace), awwww (when you see something sad or sweet.
You know a lot of body parts - arm, leg, foot, knee, bottom, toes, fingers, hand, head, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, etc. I love it! You loooove doing animal sounds also. Some of your favorites are: dog, cat, cow, horse, dinosaur, lion, bird, monkey, elephant, snake, owl, pig, duck, frog, chicken.
You have so many little friends. We are so blessed in that department!!! The funny thing is, you have mostly girl friends. In fact, there are only a couple boys your age invited to your birthday party, ha! You and Molly have been tight from the beginning, and you LOVE to hang out with Grace. We have a lot of fun family dinner with the Robinson's and you love playing with their three girls. One of your favorite things to do is to walk outside and see if anyone is outside playing. If they are, we hear "play, play" until we take you out there. You love joining Ella, Maxx, Lucy, and Asher out there with bubbles, balls, sand, etc. You are very bold. I am so thankful you don't seem to be shy. You walk right up to your friends, and say, hiiiii. Ha! We have had a few bouts of tears at nursery drop off at church, but they are pretty rare, and stop as soon as I leave you.
You started preschool this month! You are only going once a week, on Mondays, but you LOVE it. You have already made your first craft, and celebrated a birthday with those new friends! You have the sweetest teachers, who have nothing but good things to say about you.
Your nursery teachers at church say you are just the best at helping clean up. This is not the case at home. I struggle with which is more important - helping at home where WE benefit, or helping when other people can see it haha! You do LOVE to sing the Clean Up Son though. You are very good about helping me unload the dishwasher. You know where the silverware, pots and pans, and tupperware goes, and you are more than happy to help out with that. I have caught you on more than one occasion sneaking in the pantry and getting out Riley's box of Milk-bones, and just feeding her one after the other while chanting, "Bone, good girl, good girl". She LOVES it of course.
On September 7th, you broke your arm playing at the park. We were sooo nervous, but you handled it like a champ, and The Lord was so gracious. You only had a buckle fracture, and it is healing so nicely! We saw an orthopedist last week, and you are free to play and use your arm as much as you feel comfortable, yay! Restricting a two year old's activity is tough. You have been relatively healthy this year, though. You did have a bout with croup that wasn't too pleasant, but for the most part, we have been lucky.
You took your first "big" vacation this year - Disney World!! You loved it sooo much more than we thought you would. We can't wait to take you back again. We also took you to see Sesame Street Live, and that was a huge hit! Your birthday party theme is Sesame Street, since that has been a big hit around here. You enjoyed the pool a lot this summer, as well as attending VBS at church for the first time (albeit only in nursery;)) You and Nana had a lot of bonding time this summer over your love of the movie theater. We took you for the first time in June, and she took you several times. She loved having a movie partner! You also played at Chick Fil A for the first time, a couple months ago! You are OBSESSED with it...which is why I hesitated so long to start it. Now, as soon as we pull up to CFA, you are saying, "Play, play! Gayce, Gayce!" You remember that we always meet Carolyn and Grace at CFA. ;) We visited Marbles for the first time with Shelley and Conner a couple months ago. Both of you just loved running around and playing with everything!!
Some of your favorites right now are, Winnie the Pooh, Lightning McQueen, Sesame Street, Sully and Mike from Monsters U, Buzz and Woody from Toy Story. Buzz and Woody have been REALLY big lately. You still love Mickey, Sofia, Doc McStuffins. You love having our iPhone and looking through all the pictures. You actually have posted to our Facebook a few times, haha! You also managed to order a skateboard from Nana's Zulily app. Hilarious. You love to carry around your books, talking Toy Story dolls, little Sesame Street plastic figures, etc. You love getting dizzy, and singing Ring Around The Rosie.
We are definitely getting into disciplining on the regular. You love to shout, "NOO" in a really sassy voice. It drives me insane. Sometimes that is accompanied by you throwing your paci or toy on the floor in anger. Shew, disciplining is HARD!!!
You are just such a joy. I don't know how else to explain it. I still struggle with raising you to be a gentleman, and we just pray that you will follow us in our faith and trust The Lord. I hope you always love us as much as you do right now! We just love you to pieces!!!
Love, Mama and Daddy