Our poor boy has been fighting through the croup this week. He is still a little whiny and not himself, but we are seeing glimpses of our sweet William (see the ice cream pic below).
It all started Saturday night after we got home from Hannah's birthday celebration. Poor baby had a slight fever, so we gave him some Tylenol and we all went to bed. He was up about an hour later, crying. Robbie opened the next morning, so I didn't expect him to get up and help since he had to be up at 3:30 am! Neither William or myself got any sleep that night. Around 11, I called the nurse line at our doctor since his fever was 104 degrees! She said he should be fine, as long as his breathing was ok, and that our dr was open the next morning from 10-12. Around 4, right as Robbie was leaving, I thought we were going to have to go to the ER! William was breathing funny and really hoarse sounding. It passed over quickly, so I just brought him into our bed so I could supervise his breathing. Well, after getting kicked for 20 minutes, lol, back to his crib he went. I finally ended up sleeping in the chair in room holding him.
The next morning, his fever was pretty much gone but I still thought he might need to see the doctor. We left the house around 9 because we just needed to get OUT! We picked up Mama and had some breakfast, and I made an appointment for 11. By this time, he was having a barking cough and it sounded like a hollow sucking when he breathed after getting worked up from coughing or getting upset. Every cough made him cry. :( The doctor came in, and said he heard William barking through the walls! He immediately diagnosed him with croup (after doing a check for strep just in case since his throat was really red). He took steroids for three days to open up his airways. After the first dose, we noticed improvement.
The poor baby still has a nasty cough, but is breathing SO much better, and the fever is GONE! Praise the Lord for modern medicine and pediatricians who are open on Sunday!
Sunday morning at the dr |
Pitiful! |
Trying to play! |
A little ice cream Sunday night to help that throat! |
Still showing me all his cars in the bath! |
Monday night - being more like himself! |
So glad he is doing better! Nothing makes me more nervous than croup. Both of mine had middle of the night ER visits because of it.