Here at the Brown house, we don't do many crafts. I just am terrible at it. I want everything to be all clean and neat, and of course, with a two year old that doesn't happen. In an effort to show William more than just playing and movies haha, we busted out all the supplies last night to make a couple crafts. He was excited!
Before dinner, we burned off some energy at the park. He is obsessed with slides! Last night he was a daredevil and came down the slide on his stomach. It is so funny!
Before dinner, we burned off some energy at the park. He is obsessed with slides! Last night he was a daredevil and came down the slide on his stomach. It is so funny!
This is new. He says "CHeeeeeseee" and holds his hands under his head, like he is posing! |
Robbie made chili for dinner - delicious!!! William normally won't even touch it, but I tried it and was shocked! He really liked it, well all except the beans ha!
After dinner, it was time to get down to business. I saw a cute fall craft on Laura's blog and basically copied it. I was pumped that I already had all of the supplies needed. We didn't have any canvases around, so we improvised with cardstock. William loves for there to be paint on his hands. I do not. Ha! He did great at dabbing the leaves on with a q-tip. I am really hoping Santa pulls through with a little table for him so that we don't have to continue crafts at my Grandmother's antique table.
Finished product! As William would say, "Taadaa!" |
I happened to have some extra worksheets from our BLAST! lesson on Sunday night, so we made a second craft! We used his thumbprints to be the grain in the grain bag, and we talked about Joseph and what the Bible verse meant. I LOVE this Bible verse. When Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery, they meant evil against him, since they were jealous of him! But, God meant it for good, because Joseph went on to be Pharoah's next in line and save Egypt from a terrible famine. Sooo applicable to hardships in real life today that mean evil against us, but that God can turn around for good!
After craft time, I pulled out the Play-Doh. Thanks to Noemie, William had some from his birthday! ;) He had never played with Play-Doh before, so I wasn't sure how big of a hit it would be. He LOVED it!! He sat there with me over 30 minutes playing! We made doggies, snakes, snowmen, and he made Nemo (aka an orange blob). But go William for associating orange with Nemo ha! What a fun night with our sweet boy!!!
Worm! |
His favorite - just tearing it into pieces! |

That's a good looking worm! I've pinned so many crafts for Davis I just never think to do them! And I love a good craft!