For Robbie's second week of vacation this year, we decided to just go to his parents and spend the week with them and visit my dad, and some of our friends who we never get to see. We figured it would just give us a good break from everything. We had a great week and stayed very busy!
Monday: William went to preschool Monday morning, and Robbie and I used that time to have a breakfast date, and load the car with everything. We picked William up at 11:30, and hit the road! When we got to Linda and Leroy's house, we unpacked and then we all headed outside. Leroy had half of the week off, so he and William loved looking at all of the fish in the pond, and pulling the wagon around. Riley chased a frisbee and then just enjoyed being outside. We had a delish homemade-by-Leroy spaghetti dinner, which William devoured. He followed up with a leftover cupcake from his birthday, ha! My mom also joined us for the majority of our trip, and William slept in her room all week. I was pleasantly surprised at how well he slept there. He hadn't been in a Pack n Play since May, and you just never know, but he did great!
Tuesday: Tuesday morning, we relaxed around the house. Robbie and William played their iPads, "Woody" rode his trusty horse, "Bullseye", and then we got ready and headed to Elizabeth City. We had lunch at one of our favorites, Wildflower. Robbie and I miss their grilled chicken over pasta like whoa. William totally shares our love of their pasta too - he ate his whole cup! We visited Shelley at her work, went to Papa's house for a while and hid under his ottoman, and then later took William to Linda at work. He went home and they babysat so that Robbie and I could have a night out. We went to 3 Amigos with Shelley, and then went to her house and spent the night talking and laughing. We got home to a sleeping baby, whooo hooo!!! ;)
Wednesday: Our most relaxing day! Robbie's parents were throwing him a little birthday party that night, so we just stayed at home all day. We DID run out to lunch with Mama and Leroy, and then to a Christmas shop near their house. Scott, Pam, and Jeremiah all arrived in time for dinner and we just had a great time!! We had the best food - ribs, grilled chicken breast, corn on the cob, German potato salad, and homemade cake and ice cream!! William had so much fun playing with his cousin "Miah"!! He still will randomly call his name here at home haha!
Thursday: We got up and got ready, and headed to the beach! We had lunch at the Pointe with Martha Anne - such a treat!! We grabbed the best donuts ever from Duck Donuts, hit a couple shops, and showed William the ocean!! He hasn't seen it since he was so little. He loved it! I wish we could've stayed longer! We went to Elizabeth City for dinner that night at Big Daddy's and then headed back to Robbie's parents so that we could spend some time with them before bed!
Friday: We left early and spent the day at Busch Gardens. We got home around 7 and had a delicious meal waiting for us thanks to Linda and Leroy - burgers, corn on the cob, etc. Jeremiah spent the night, so William had a blast playing with him again!
Saturday: We got up and lounged around and started packing. We had lunch with Robbie's parents, and when Scott and Pam got there, we all said our goodbyes. We had a pretty quiet ride for about half of the way, thanks to a sleeping William. ;) We got home around 6:30 and grabbed some dinner and collapsed in the bed!! Thank you to Linda and Leroy for allowing us to vacation with y'all for a week!! We had a great time!!!

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