About Me

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NC girl who loves Jesus, Robbie, William, family, friends, Walt Disney World, all things pink, and monogrammed!

Sara & Robbie

Sara & Robbie
Met in a small town. Moved to a big city. Married 6 years. Owe it all to God's grace.

William Carter

William Carter
Born on 9/22/11. Loves his Mama fiercely, babies, Disney, playing his heart out, his friends and family.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

5 Months Old!!!

William, today you are 5 months old! I cannot believe it! Almost half a year. To me, you are at a very fun stage. You can't get around yet, so you still want to be held and squeezed on, but you are way more interactive.

 You had more shots last month and ran your first (very low) fever because of them. You thankfully haven't had to return to the doctor for any reason, so we don't know how much you weigh. At that appointment, you weighed 14 lbs. and 4.5 oz.

You can barely fit in your 3 month sleepers and clothes and starting to fill out your 6 months clothes. You wear a size 2 diaper, but at night we put you in a size 3.

You rolled over for the first time on January 31st. You rolled over in December, but this was the first time you kept doing it! Now you are a total tummy sleeper, which freaks Mama out! Whenever we lay you down on your back, you flip right to your tummy. Something about it you must love, because you sleep approximately 11 hours each night. Whew!!! In the past week or so, you have started rolling from you tummy to your back in the crib while asleep. You put your little butt in the air and flip right over! It is too funny to watch on the monitor.

Auntie Erica came up to visit this month and you had your first big boy bath!!! It was a little stressful since you can't sit up too well just yet, and you are so slippery! But you had fun playing with the toys! We also put you in your stroller in the big boy seat this weekend - no more carseat! You like it so much more now because you have a lot more room to move and play. And the nice thing is, when you fall asleep, I can adjust the stroller to become flat.

Your first Super Bowl was this month. I was going to let you stay up and watch the game with everyone, but after a couple hours of sitting in the Bumbo and playing, you were exhausted and wanted to go to bed!

On February 8th, we celebrated Nana's birthday and you wore your first pair of shoes!! They are Very Hungry Caterpillar Robeez from Ashley's mama, Susan. They were absolutely precious and you seemed to like them!

You celebrated your first Valentine's day this month! Mama and Daddy had a sandbucket for you filled with books, cereal, bowls, spoons, toys, and pacis.Of course you had no idea what was going on, but we were excited!

The big news of the month is, you had oatmeal cereal for the first time on February 15th!!! That first night, you were not very enthused. You would open your mouth for the spoon and then not close it once the food was in your mouth, so it was messy!! Ever since then, you are in love! You eat the whole bowl. I'm sure soon we will be increasing it to twice a day! I'm not sure if it is a coincidence or what, but ever since having the cereal, you have been sleeping better at night (staying asleep without needing your paci!) Yay!! You are now as of 2/22, sitting in your high chair at the table to eat your cereal! So big!

Another big first this month - it snowed for the first time in your life on February 19th!!! We were on the way home from dinner and I couldn't resist bundling you up when we got home and taking some quick pictures. You just kept blinking your eyes fast as snowflakes fell on you!!

We took you to the museum with your Grandma, Grandpa, and Jeremiah on the 18th. It was a lot of fun and you had a good time getting strolled around as you played with all of your toys, and eventually passed out from the excitement.

You are still our easygoing, happy baby. We are so lucky. Most nights, we lay you down in the crib, and you are instantly asleep. How lucky?! You just smile all day and now LOVE to laugh. You laugh so hard you can't catch your breath sometimes. You have just recently started noticing big sister Riley and smile as soon as you see her and laugh really hard when she comes close to you or sniffs your face. It is so sweet!!!

This month, you have really gotten into the Jumperoo and watching TV. You will jump for a long time! You also really pay attention when people are talking and will turn your head if you hear someone come in or start talking. I think you are starting to realize that your name is William; if we say it, you turn to us and look up at us. I love how you grab your toys and just stare at them and bring them straight to your mouth. You have also started tugging our hair and putting your hands out to touch our faces when we are close to you, so sweet!!! You love to reach out to Riley to pet her. Your talking is still going strong and your new funny trick is putting both hands on your bottle and pulling it out of your mouth and pushing it away when you are done!

William, you are an absolute joy to us. Your Mama and Daddy love you so much! It is unbelievable. Even through all the sleepless nights, in the morning it's like they didn't exist. You are a lucky little boy with so many people who love you!!!

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