Monday, January 30, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
My Nana Went to Asheville and All I Got...
was this snowsuit!!!
I really kid about "all I got" because this snowsuit was not cheap! Mama went to Asheville right before William was born and went in a gorgeous baby boutique, William and Grace. She got him this snowsuit and I just think it is gorgeous! So of course, with our mild NC weather and our hot-natured baby, we have not even thought about bringing it out. Mama had the brainstorm that she would take the snowsuit back this weekend on her Asheville trip! I hated to see it go but knew it made the most sense. So I put William in it quickly just to snap a picture of his cute self. What will he get in place of the snowsuit, you ask? I hear an adorable smocked crab jon jon is on its way!! ;)
I really kid about "all I got" because this snowsuit was not cheap! Mama went to Asheville right before William was born and went in a gorgeous baby boutique, William and Grace. She got him this snowsuit and I just think it is gorgeous! So of course, with our mild NC weather and our hot-natured baby, we have not even thought about bringing it out. Mama had the brainstorm that she would take the snowsuit back this weekend on her Asheville trip! I hated to see it go but knew it made the most sense. So I put William in it quickly just to snap a picture of his cute self. What will he get in place of the snowsuit, you ask? I hear an adorable smocked crab jon jon is on its way!! ;)
Great Day for a Dr. Visit (4 month checkup)
William and I both had dr. appointments on January 24th. Robbie and I both took off work to enjoy the day together. We got up early with William and got ready for his appt at 11:30.
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Good morning! |
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This shirt tastes so good! |
He was so good for his whole appt. I was dreading him having shots :( The dr said he is such a sweetie pie. She commented on how well he holds his head up, that his weight is great, and he is doing everything he should be, developmentally.
His stats are:
Weight: 14lbs. 4.5oz (47%)
Length: 24 1/8 in. (17%)
Head: 16in. (30%)
Robbie was worried about his height, but the dr assured us that with our height, William would spring up soon! We are so, so thankful that he is still remaining our super healthy little guy! We have not had any sick visits to the dr, thank goodness. We definitely feel totally blessed that he is such a perfect little baby!
As usual, I had a bunch of questions for the dr! She said we can start him on oatmeal cereal any time now, and then fruits and veggies!!! I think we are going to wait just a couple more weeks, since life is pretty easy right now, ha! I think he will enjoy something other than formula though, when the time comes. All of these constant changes are so much fun! But make us a little sad at the same time. He is growing up right before our eyes!
After our very patient pediatrician answered all of my random questions, the nurse came back in for shots :( These were way worse than the 2 month shots. He turned purple automatically and just sobbed. The nurse was quick and I grabbed him as soon as I could. Sweet thing stopped crying as soon as he was in my arms!
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Waiting for the dr! |
After his appt, we headed to get some lunch with Mama and Hannah. I came home, started our dinner of chicken noodle soup, some breakfast for the week, and got ready for my own appt. Mine was at 3:45 and went pretty well!
When we got home, we had dinner and then gave William his bottle. I noticed he was getting hot and took his temp, and he had a very low fever of 100.4. His first fever! Those darn shots. I gave him some Tylenol and he went on to bed. Poor thing!!!
The chicken noodle soup was YUMMY!! Next time, I will add more chicken stock and carrots. I found it, where else?! Pinterest!
What you need:
5 cups of chicken broth
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup onions chopped fine (we omitted)
1/2 cup celery (omitted)
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 cup green onions (omitted)
1 can of whole kernel corn
salt and pepper to taste
1 1/2 cup egg noodles
2 cups cooked chicken
Add all ingredients but the chicken and noodles to the crock pot and cook on low for 5-6 hours. The last hour, turn on High and add noddles and chicken. (I boiled our chicken until done then threw it in the Kitchen Aid mixer on speed 4 for 20 seconds- no more laborous chicken shredding - thank you, Pinterest!!!) After adding them, it only takes about 45 minutes for the noodles to cook. Enjoy!!
Since I had the time, I also decided to make some little egg muffins that I saw on Courtney's blog! Such a neat idea, you make ahead for the week and then refrigerate. Each morning, I pull out a couple and microwave them for a few seconds!
What you need:
Egg Beaters
Muffin Tin
Fillings of your choice (I did ham and mozz cheese)
Spray your muffin tin with cooking spray. Add in your toppings. Cover with egg beaters. Cook in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. That's it!!! After cooling, refrigerate. They are sooo good!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
4 Months Old!!
William, on January 22nd, you turned 4 months old! I cannot believe how fast it goes by! I feel like I should be doing a 2 month post, not 4!
You took your second big road trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Christmas. We stayed there for a few days, and you did so well sleeping away from home. Everyone loved helping out with you and you had your first bath in the sink! You also met your buddy Conner for the first time!
You are wearing a size 2 diaper and mostly 6 months clothes. Some 3 months clothes still fit, but your feet are bursting out the bottom of your sleepers. Big boy!
You rolled over for the first time on 12/29, but I honestly think it was a fluke. Whenever we put you down, you rear up like you are ready to go, but then a few minutes later get tired and are ready to get up! You do love to sit up, though. In restaurants, you want to be out of your carseat most of the time and sitting on our knee so you can look all around. You love to sit in your Bumbo and for us to sit you up and talk to you and make faces and funny sounds. When you are sitting in your Bumbo being read to, you stare at the pages and pictures like you are really paying attention! You do so well at your head control, even your doctor commented on it!
We took the little newborn net our of your bathtub this month! Now you sit up in the bathtub like a big boy. It's a little harder since it is a juggling act to keep you from sliding down, but the net was too small!
You celebrated your first new years eve with Mama, Nana, Hannah, Ashley, Willie, Molly, Jay, Susan, Stephanie, and her dad. You stayed up with us until about 12:30 then I put you down!
January 3rd, you finally slept through the night for 10 hours!!!! It was glorious. Ever since then, we have been putting you to bed between 8 and 9 and you sleep for 10-12 hours on average. Lately, you have started acting like you may have some teeth slowly coming in...lots of drool, fists in your mouth, toys going to your mouth, etc. Because of this, you have been waking up a few times a night wanting your paci. We come in there and put it in, and you are right back asleep. We are going to try to start the process of breaking you of this...
You are doing so many fun things now. Really staring at your hands and bringing them together and inspecting them. You also reach for your toys constantly and reach for things on the table (we have to be really careful, ha!) You are a talkative little thing too! Even when you want to fuss, you just kind of talk really whiny and stick your lip out. It is so funny. You giggle outloud when things really get you tickled. You smile constantly! I love it. You are building your little leg muscles too when we hold your hands and stand you up. You like to stand and kick around.
This month, I went back to work and you stayed at home with your Nana and Daddy on the days he was off. It is working out so well. Most mornings, you are still asleep when I leave at 7:15. You have so much fun during the day and I am so thankful that you are able to be at home with your own stuff.
You went for your 4 month checkup on January 24th. You had to have more shots which hurt me more this time than your last :( Your little face turned purple but as soon as I picked you up you stopped crying and you were just so sweet looking around. You weighed 14lbs. 4.5oz (47%), length of 24 1/8 in (17%) and head circumference of 16 in (30%). Your daddy was worried about the height, but your doctor reassured us that you will spring up before we know it!
You took your second big road trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Christmas. We stayed there for a few days, and you did so well sleeping away from home. Everyone loved helping out with you and you had your first bath in the sink! You also met your buddy Conner for the first time!
You are wearing a size 2 diaper and mostly 6 months clothes. Some 3 months clothes still fit, but your feet are bursting out the bottom of your sleepers. Big boy!
You rolled over for the first time on 12/29, but I honestly think it was a fluke. Whenever we put you down, you rear up like you are ready to go, but then a few minutes later get tired and are ready to get up! You do love to sit up, though. In restaurants, you want to be out of your carseat most of the time and sitting on our knee so you can look all around. You love to sit in your Bumbo and for us to sit you up and talk to you and make faces and funny sounds. When you are sitting in your Bumbo being read to, you stare at the pages and pictures like you are really paying attention! You do so well at your head control, even your doctor commented on it!
We took the little newborn net our of your bathtub this month! Now you sit up in the bathtub like a big boy. It's a little harder since it is a juggling act to keep you from sliding down, but the net was too small!
You celebrated your first new years eve with Mama, Nana, Hannah, Ashley, Willie, Molly, Jay, Susan, Stephanie, and her dad. You stayed up with us until about 12:30 then I put you down!
January 3rd, you finally slept through the night for 10 hours!!!! It was glorious. Ever since then, we have been putting you to bed between 8 and 9 and you sleep for 10-12 hours on average. Lately, you have started acting like you may have some teeth slowly coming in...lots of drool, fists in your mouth, toys going to your mouth, etc. Because of this, you have been waking up a few times a night wanting your paci. We come in there and put it in, and you are right back asleep. We are going to try to start the process of breaking you of this...
You are doing so many fun things now. Really staring at your hands and bringing them together and inspecting them. You also reach for your toys constantly and reach for things on the table (we have to be really careful, ha!) You are a talkative little thing too! Even when you want to fuss, you just kind of talk really whiny and stick your lip out. It is so funny. You giggle outloud when things really get you tickled. You smile constantly! I love it. You are building your little leg muscles too when we hold your hands and stand you up. You like to stand and kick around.
This month, I went back to work and you stayed at home with your Nana and Daddy on the days he was off. It is working out so well. Most mornings, you are still asleep when I leave at 7:15. You have so much fun during the day and I am so thankful that you are able to be at home with your own stuff.
You went for your 4 month checkup on January 24th. You had to have more shots which hurt me more this time than your last :( Your little face turned purple but as soon as I picked you up you stopped crying and you were just so sweet looking around. You weighed 14lbs. 4.5oz (47%), length of 24 1/8 in (17%) and head circumference of 16 in (30%). Your daddy was worried about the height, but your doctor reassured us that you will spring up before we know it!
William, you are such a joy to your mama and daddy. We love you so much and just look forward to everyday and the changes that seem to happen overnight. We are so happy that you are our boy!!!!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Our Weekend
We had another low-key weekend. Robbie had to close Friday and Saturday night. I waited up for him on Friday night, but Saturday I was asleep by 11:30. William is getting easier now that we are on a little routine and he is usually in bed by 8:30, so I still have some time before I go to bed to get things done.
We went to dinner with Hannah, Stephanie and her dad on Friday night to Bojangles.
Saturday, Mama and I went to the Kids Exchange and then that night, Hannah, William, Stephanie, her dad and I went to Mama Dip's in Chapel Hill for dinner. It was so good!!! We had some nasty, rainy weather on Saturday, so the drive to CH was a little nerve-wracking. Luckily, it was dry on the way home.
Sunday, Robbie had to go to work at 11 for just a few hours, so we were lazy after William got up. When Robbie left, I headed to Mama's and we went to lunch and then back to her house to just relax. After William had his lunch, he took a 3 hour long nap on Mama's sofa! I was shocked he stayed asleep that long. I ended up curling up beside him for some sweet snuggle time! That night, we all went to Outback. It was so good! William gets bored in his carseat these days, so we have to be kind of creative between his toys, my iPhone, and holding him so he can sit up and see so that he doesn't fuss. When we got home, I gave him a bath and Robbie and I enjoyed taking a few pictures of his sweet self. He is trying sooo hard to roll over. It is our fault that he hasn't yet because we are constantly wanting to hold him!!! As soon as we do put him down, he gets right in position to roll, so I am sure it will be soon. I also took his 4 month pictures (post coming soon!) really quick before he got mad and was ready for one more bottle and the bed!
We went to dinner with Hannah, Stephanie and her dad on Friday night to Bojangles.
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William spent Friday morning with Daddy |
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After dinner...happy boy! |
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That flash is bright! |
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Playing Sat. morning |
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A little tummy time in Mama's bed! |
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Ready to go to lunch and shop! |
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Who are you calling? |
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Riley was very interested in this train! |
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Napping at my Nana's |
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Loving on my elephant at dinner |
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Inspecting |
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Dangerous on the changing table! |
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Happy 4 Months 01/22/12!!!! |
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Kids Exchange
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Sweet Noah's Ark seersucker for $7! |
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Polo romper for $10 |
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This sweet little bubble was only $1!!! It will be going to Monograms Inc ASAP for a monogram! |
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Couldn't resist the train ($4) and helicopter ($5) |
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LOVED this Talbots Kids oldie but goodie for $7! |
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And these sweet Hartstrings pants with puppies ($10) |
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I literally squealed when I saw this! I had been looking at an outfit online almost exactly like this for $35, and this was $10!!! |
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Gap raincoat for $5 |
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Airplane sweater vest for $3 |
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Fish romper for $3 |
Thursday, January 19, 2012
William's Nursery
I am super late in putting this up, but I did want to do a tour of William's nursery, especially for my memories. These pictures are really from before he used it, so that is why it looks so organized ;) Now, there are clothes everywhere, books, toys, etc. I love everything about it! We got our furniture from here in Raleigh at Tots to Teens and we love it! His crib converts to a toddler bed then to a full bed, so he will have it for a while.
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The view standing at the door. |
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Dresser/changing table |
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Close up of the rocker. |
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His chair and our chair ;) |
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Bag full of blankets! |
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Love his monogram!!! |
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Toy/bookshelf |
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Sweet mobile |
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Close up of his bedding (Before switching to breathable bumpers) |
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LOVE this sweet rug! |
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Closet full of clothes!! |
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Closet doors and door leading out! LOVE his personalized artwork! |
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Bibs, burp cloths, socks, hats |
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Summer clothes! |
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