We've never been big "New Years People"...meaning, we don't need to go out to some raging party. We usually just have a few friends over and have fun that way. This year, Robbie got the bad news that he had to work on NYE. Which really was bad, because it fell on a Saturday this year, and they don't close until 12 on Saturdays. So, needless to say, he rang in the New Year at Bojangles. We all missed him!! I decided to make chili and have Mama, Hannah, Stephanie, her dad, Ashley, Willie, Molly, Jay and Susan over!! It was so much fun! We all had a good time laughing and talking. William and Molly are such good babies...they can go anywhere and do whatever! We are lucky. Everyone stayed over until a few minutes after 12, and then William went to bed and I waited up for my latecomer :)
I don't normally make any resolutions, but I am going to try to blog more (that's working out pretty well so far, I think!), SAVE more, and pay off some debt....a hefty list! We will see.
Molly wasn't in the mood for a picture! |
Thanks for my cute new hat, Stephanie!!! |
Napping with my auntie Hannah |
Midnight with my cutie pie!!! |
He just couldn't hang! |
That's too many resolutions ;)