About Me

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NC girl who loves Jesus, Robbie, William, family, friends, Walt Disney World, all things pink, and monogrammed!

Sara & Robbie

Sara & Robbie
Met in a small town. Moved to a big city. Married 6 years. Owe it all to God's grace.

William Carter

William Carter
Born on 9/22/11. Loves his Mama fiercely, babies, Disney, playing his heart out, his friends and family.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

3 Months Old!!!

William, I cannot believe you turned 3 months old on December 22nd! Time is flying by! You are still the most easygoing, sweet baby. You really only cry if you are hungry or exhausted. You love to fight sleep, especially in a restaurant, unfortunately. That is a new trick that has had Mama and Daddy eat in shifts at a couple meals.

You had your first long road trip November 23rd. Your Nana, Hannah, me and you packed up and headed to the beach to be with our whole family! You did so great in the car! You mostly slept the entire way. Your daddy came down the next day. You were having some issues on this trip...you probably cried the most you ever have in your little life. Thankfully, Amy was there to help mama. You slept with your Nana every night in her room, which was a NICE break for mama :) You also got to experience Lone Cedar, one of Mama and Daddy's favorites!

You also went to the Angus Barn with Mama, Hannah, Papa and Annette after Thanksgiving. That is a favorite of Mama and Daddy's, so I am sure you have a few visits in your future! 

You saw Santa twice this year! The first time was at the Southpoint mall. You were napping when we got there, and I tried every trick I could to get you to wake up. You finally did, and we quickly got pictures taken and you were back out!  The second Santa encounter was in our neighborhood at the Breakfast with Santa. You were fast asleep here too and wouldn't wake up for your picture with Santa. You may not always love Santa, but I do want to have the tradition of you going. Hopefully, in a few years we will take you to see the "real Santa" in Richmond.

You attended your first birthday party this month, for little miss Julie Bell Riddick!! It was the Very Hungry Caterpillar themed, which shhhhh will probably be yours in just a few short months!!! We have had so much fun getting to know Julie Bell and her mama, Mary Adelaide, better while Mama was on maternity leave. You also met your new friends Noemie Costner and Davis Frye this month and spent more time with little miss Molly!!

You started smiling at 6 weeks old, but boy, you have finally figured it out! You LOVE to smile. You probably do it 30 times a day. I LOVE IT. You will break into the biggest smile at your mama and it is to die for. The other night, Hannah had you in her lap facing her, and you would just smile sooo big for her, and then get shy and cover your face. So sweet!!!

You love to be naked!! It is so funny. As soon as your outfit comes off, you throw your little legs in the air and just start grinning and moving all around. We definitely cannot leave you unattended on any surfaces anymore...you are a wild thing!!

You still love your baths!  I can't wait until you are in the big tub and interested in playing with toys!

You had your first shots on the 2nd of December. This was Sadddd. You did so great for the whole checkup and you just had no idea what was coming. As soon as those shots hit your little legs, you HOLLERED!!!! We had to give you your first Tylenol that night because you were in some serious pain. That helped you immensely. You weighed 11 lbs, 8 oz which was the 50th percentile and you measured 21 3/4 in long, which was the 10th percentile. Your dr said you will probably shoot up, based on our heights.

You went with us to pick out our real Christmas tree this year. Another event that you slept through :) We are so looking forward to things like that in our future!

On December 4th, we finally moved you to your crib. I was paranoid about the traditional bumpers because of all the controversy surrounding them, so I went on Amazon and ordered some breathable bumpers. They seem to be working out, even if they were hard as the devil to put on! The first night, you had us up several times. I think you were a little freaked out being in such a big space. After a couple nights, you were a pro and definitely used to it. We keep a fan going and a nightlight and your CD player.

You still wear a size 1 diaper. You could probably move up to a size 2 but Mama is trying to get you to use up these 1's first :) You are still in 3 month clothes, but they are getting too short. Your little feet are busting out the bottom, so I'm sure 6 month sleepers are right around the corner.

You have really started "talking" all the time! I have the cutest videos of you just talking away to your birdies on your swing or the animals on your bouncy seat, or just to the air! It is so funny and you really know what you are saying!

Your Auntie Shelley gave you a smaller swing to put upstairs in Mama and Daddy's bathroom. You love your swing downstairs SO much, and this way we can keep an eye on you while we get ready and you are happy!!! It has been such a nice addition to our bathroom!

Mama went back to work this month and misses you sooo much while she is there. When she gets home, you just have a good old time, playing with toys and reading and telling her all about your day.

William, you are such a sweet boy and you bring us so much joy!!! I can truthfully say this is the stage I have enjoyed the most so far. I see why people have more than one child! Haha. At first I wasn't so sure. It is such an adjustment! But we are just crazy about you and love seeing the changes everyday!


  1. this so beautiful and so creative I love it!

  2. He's so big! I love how alert he is in these pictures.

    And thanks for the shout out - I was just thinking today how I miss you being on maternity leave!

  3. Ni PLEASE don't start him on the fan ;) hahaha!!
